Search results

  1. M

    Telus Mobility, can i buy a phone somewhere else then activate it to Telus ?

    i want the HTC Sensation EX but they don't have it Scratch that it's actually called HTC windows phone 8S
  2. M

    nokia lumia 920 vs Iphone 4s?

    i want a phone that can hold about 100- 300 songs easy to text and is on top of the other phones which one would you suggests
  3. M

    what phone should i get from telus ?

    easy to type with holds songs about 300- 500 good picture quality
  4. M

    what phone should i get from telus ?

    easy to type with holds songs about 300- 500 good picture quality
  5. M

    what makes you sleepy at night?

    Just curious: I'm terrible at making myself sleep at night. How do you find a way to sleep? Do you watch something? Read something? Listen to music or hop straight into bed? If so, what do you watch, read listen to usually? What makes you sleepy? :)