Search results

  1. O

    Poll: Should I go to Wendy's, Taco Bell, or Rally's?

    You should come to Florida. We'll eat the best f*cking pizza ever. It's like a 20 minute drive and I don't have a license. </3 We'll demand a pizza at 10:50 PM. :x
  2. O

    Survey: Baked Potato or Mashed Potatos w gravy?

    Mashed Potatoes w/ gravy. c:
  3. O

    Do you laugh at suburban kids that think they are gangster?

    "Yo, I'm a thug yet I have money to buy all dis bling. Just gotta ask mommy, yo."
  4. O

    A poll for cellphone owners?

    $40 dollars a month for unlimited text and call. Metro.
  5. O

    Poll: What was the last thing that made you laugh?

    That question. LOL. HAHAHAHAHA@Jessica V Oh my god.
  6. O

    Wanna take a tour in the girl's locker room?

    I had to go into the boys locker room, once. :| It smelt like weed, taco, armpit, sweat and shame all covered up by pounds upon pounds of Axe. Just...omg.
  7. O

    Wanna take a tour in the girl's locker room?

    I had to go into the boys locker room, once. :| It smelt like weed, taco, armpit, sweat and shame all covered up by pounds upon pounds of Axe. Just...omg.
  8. O

    This or that (im so bored.... Humor me)?

    Neither. Both. Neither. Neither. Coke. Narwhals. Pride. Pokemon. Pastels. Pumped Up Kicks. Neither. Eh.
  9. O

    POLL: Do you ever come on yahoo answers drunk or high?

    I've only been drunk once in my life and I wanted nothing more then to sleep. High, yes. I have. A lot, actually. But I don't broadcast it and sh*t. Nah, I don't. Considering I'm aware of what I'm doing when high.
  10. O

    Survey: When is your birthday??

    May 30th.
  11. O

    Survey: What are you listening to at the moment?

    Pink Floyd. c; Good song<3 The Foundations - Build Me Up Buttercup.
  12. O

    Why do some uptight people say weed is as bad as cigarettes or even cocaine?

    I hate cigarettes, too. I've tried it twice and never got the appeal of them. You literally have to force it until it starts feeling like..good, ya know? And cigs have a bunch of BS in it, weed is natural. You get more time in jail for possession of marijuana then killing an animal..Which is...
  13. O

    Why Are Gay People So Gay?

    Why are ignorant people so ignorant? Idiot.
  14. O

    POLL about your cellphone?

    Huawei M735, I think that's what it's called. Over a year. Silent. Yeah, most of them. "Joseph!!!!" I don't know...
  15. O

    TEENS: What trends are going on in your school at the moment +BQ?

    Heels, short pencil skirts, dresses, sandals, etc. I don't understand why one would wanna wear heels or a skirt/dress to school? BQ: It's..alright. I'm not a big fan of Lil Wayne, only like Gonorrhea and Nightmare of the Bottom.