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  1. Z

    Is our friendship finished: my friend doesn't smile or laugh around me anymore?

    I met this friend this semester. We're both guys, 19 years old. We had a disagreement on Facebook about him disliking facial expressions when other guys text him and he wanted me to stop and I did, which is strange because I know LOTS of straight guys who use :)<--- or ^__^<--- ...After I came...
  2. Z

    Do I have to watch Jersey Shore Seasons 1-3 to understand Season 4?

    I don't have time to watch all that. I did watch the first few episodes of Season 1 and know what the show is about. So I plan on buying Season 4 on iTunes. Do you guys think I should understand the story line fine?
  3. Z

    What are some really good clues that someone may be gay or bi?

    I have a new friend. He makes gay jokes as in, "I'm gay, YESSSSS. I am. I wanna stick that in another guy's butthole." He makes similar jokes to these. He cares A LOT about him hair, he literally massages it the whole class time. He cares about his nails too and stares at it for most of the...
  4. Z

    What are some good hints that a guy is gay or bi w/o asking them?

    im a teenage guy who is bi. i want a bf right now, but what are some good, subtle hints that a guy may be gay? ive seen very feminine guys who r straight, so that stereotype is dying out fast lol. please share based on ur experience or opinion :)