Search results

  1. C

    Poll: Pizza - Deep Dish or Thin Crust?

    I prefer a thin crust, but I wouldn't object to a Chicago-style slice.
  2. C

    Survey : What do you think of me :P?

    Subscribe? So I can watch ten second videos of you staring into the camera? Sounds like a blast.
  3. C

    Do you still read the funnies from the Sunday Newspaper?

    I happen to read the articles in the paper as well, thank you very much.
  4. C

    Poll: What's your favorite Thanksgiving dish?

    Tofurkey all the waaaay.
  5. C

    Poll/Survey: Without looking it up, can you tell me who originally made the...

    Well I only know of the Led Zeppelin one, but since you asked this, that's probably wrong.
  6. C

    Poll: Do you believe in heaven and @#!*% ?

    No. I don't think you should censor hell, though.
  7. C

    When you hear people arguing outside really loudly, do you...?

    I'm a nosy bastard so I tend to listen to what they're saying.
  8. C

    How do you feel about the phrase "no homo"?

    Well, let's just say they're fond of roosters. Large ones.
  9. C

    Stay with my BlackBerry or switch to Iphone 4S?

    Whatever works for you.
  10. C

    What are some nice places to vacation????????

    In the US? New Orleans, Louisiana Denver, Colorado Savannah, Georgia And if you're going to visit Florida, you should go to St. Augustine.
  11. C

    Ladies - Could you rate fitness?

    Ohh puhlease. You just want females to "oooooooooooo" and "ahhhh" over your pictures. Pathetic mayne, pathetic.
  12. C

    Why do creepy old men chat to 16 year old girls?

    They find you sexually attractive and would like to bone you, that is why.