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  1. V

    Should President Obama be given the power to dissolve Congress and rule by

    I have some rope and a closet you can borrow.
  2. V

    Should I murder my mom ?

    only of yourself.
  3. V

    Can someone find me the keys to my cadilac car?

    You left them in the ignition, thanks for the free car old dude. HAHAHA
  4. V

    Are 'christians' jealous of atheists who can live, love, and prosper without

    And yet, you feel so secure in your belief system, you have to build your self esteem by bashing others with a different belief. Loser and a troll.
  5. V

    Can someone find me the keys to my cadilac car?

    You left them in the ignition, thanks for the free car old dude. HAHAHA