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  1. T

    Since when was sleeping with Donald Trump an initiation ritual for

    Republican presidential candidates? Why do GOP candidates have to kiss reality TV star Donald Trump's ring and perform fellatio on him in order to be considered worthy enough for the presidency?
  2. T

    Does the user "Why am I arguing with children" have anger management issues?

    Does the user "Why am I arguing with children" have anger management issues? This guy is insane. Making death threats to people. Stalking people's profiles and sending crazy e-mails. Clearly something or someone is disturbing this individual.
  3. T

    Why do white men complain so much but white women don't?

    You must be blind & deaf. White women, and women in general, complain all the time. And women tend to play the victim card more than men.
  4. T

    Will any further sexual assault allegations cause Herman Cain to drop

    out of his book tour? Or do you think he'll keep the book tour going until Romney gets the nomination?
  5. T

    Why do Right-Wingers in Italy complain of Liberal Vandalism against...

    Right wingers in Europe supported the fascist dictatorships of Mussolini and Hitler. Anders Breivik, the right-wing terrorist in Norway, was a big supporter of the Nazis.
  6. T

    Why do people jump to conclusions on Herman Cain's sex deal?

    Actually, there were payoffs and severance packages. Even Herman Cain admitted this. Do you not pay any attention to the news?