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  1. C

    New mountain dew

    I'm not going to lie, after not drinking soda for a couple months, even diet pepsi tastes great. I prefer Coke to Pepsi, but MD to Vault. Then again Arizona > *.
  2. C

    Do you recognize the user above you?

    :eek: Your whole country is a national park. It pisses me off.
  3. C

    Hemel Hempstead

    I remember my cousins used to be so excited whenever we drove past Vinnie Jones' house on Box Lane. I join the ranks of the unfortunate as a Hemelite. Though I live in a nice area (by Hemel standards anyway). My one experience clubbing in Hemel was the Under 17's night at Ignite, it was...
  4. C

    9mm or 45

  5. C

    Pick You Favorite.

  6. C

    Whats your IQ?

  7. C

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I signed up on Lose It but everything is in American units, so my calorie estimations are probably way out Breakfast 250 to 320cal, Lunch 440-500cal, Dinner 290-680cal, Snacks 0-540cal: 1000-2000cal Exercise 20mins cycling, 15mins running, from 30mins to 1hr 30 weights, and/or 20mins to 1hr...
  8. C

    Blue food

    ....only if you eat the shell--while they're raw. Blue Point oysters, on the other hand, are blue in a spot on the inside of the shell when you eat them (esp. when you eat them raw. Yum!) But of course, I usually don't eat the oystyer shell, either.
  9. C

    so my roommate....

    Butter Floor.
  10. C

    Milk Chugging Contest

    Bullshit you didn't puke. Fucking liar.
  11. C

    Desert Island discs

    Forgot to mention the music I'd save: Mars - The Bringer of War.
  12. C

    Attitudes to athority figures

    pffft grow up, if we need people telling us what to do and that not doing it for them will result in eternal damnation to have any kind of order in our lives than we really are in trouble as a species Not wanting to seem rude but....What????
  13. C

    Body Modification

    im thinking about replacing my arm with liquid snakes arm
  14. C

    Is Rowan Atkinson a MAPPER???

    LMAO!! Glad someone else refered back to that pic. Funny thing ... as I was reading this thread, on top of page (adds by Google) had Mr. Bean featured!
  15. C

    Women and Sexy Sports Uniforms!

    LOL.... wow!! Did you honestly think I came up with that on my own?... If I had it would have been a Calvin Klein undie clad male model football team ... at least it would give us girls something to do while we're slaving at the stove and opening brewskies for the boys!
  16. C

    Anyone who is ginger, or has dated a ginger

    LMAO I have a friend that LOVES red heads, I have never really asked why, I will ask him later about being wild in bed. All I know is nothing scares me more then a red head that is pissed off - they seem to have a temper like none other from my experiences.
  17. C

    Samsung rant? good cellphone?

    I was thinking of getting the samsung rant. Is it a nice cellphone? Do the buttons jam up easily? Is it a sturdy phone? Please tell me anything else you know too. Thanks!
  18. C

    verizon: when do you use IN minutes/text and when do you use regular minutes/text?

    in minutes is verizon to verizon calls and nights (after 9) and weekends the other minutes are to people who are not verizon when it's not a weekend or after nine