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  1. M

    I thought this was great

    If that was addressed to me, then yes I know there is. I'm talking about any smacking at all. Beating the asterisks out of your kids isn't even under discussion. I'm not trying to preach to anyone about this. I said from the off that it's a tough one. I said that we were smacked as kids and...
  2. M

    What is it with girls and cats?

    My older sister wants one of these; Maybe you should of called the thread "what is with girls and spiders?" Dr moose. Image resized and re-hosted. Please do not hotlink images
  3. M

    Funny Names

    Correct. :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o...
  4. M

    kill some time

  5. M

    Army Concludes: No Abuse at Guantanamo Bay

    I'm always amused by the amount of anti Bush threads in forum land, how about creating a thread for that or going back to one of the countless ones here and posting that there?
  6. M

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    So technically, many countries use "illegal combatants"? I know terrorists won't respect the Geneva Conventions, but then again they have not signed them either.(Not that it makes it right(
  7. M

    Death With Honor of the deeper questions In a similar situation my choice would be to die fighting. The samurai lived by a strict set of principles. These principles were the foundation for their philosophy and their way of life. To not honor these accepted responsiblities would be a betrayal of...
  8. M

    Thought of the Day

    You can Google the word frenulum with your search engine set to return images only and the parental filter to off... and it's quite possibly the most disturbing mix of images you will see all day.
  9. M

    if there is a shortage of virgins

    don't be hating, that is their choice, and a woman don't have to do whatever a man does. women weren't genetically programmed to function on thesame level as men.
  10. M

    The police truly are amazing

  11. M

    my "friend" stole my wallet.

    my "friend" stole my wallet. I don't know what that's supposed to mean, or if it's even directed at me, so I'll take it as an insult. Fuck you. Sorry I don't want to spend 80 dollars on something I put money in.
  12. M

    FFS!!! The victim is now the victim.

    just make sure no-one knows you were burgled, and his body dissappears. "feed 'im to the pigs 'arold"
  13. M

    Obama's healthcare plan

    The problem is everyone is looking at the Post office and Medicaid as examples of poorly run government programs. Neither of these programs were started as self sustainable. Both were initially designed to be paid for by taxes for the benefit of the public. The post office changed on the 70s and...
  14. M

    First science, now history!

    Me too, and I'm a Presbyterian minister. The sooner these people learn that America is NOT the Kingdom of God, the better off we'll all be. Sadly, I don't think they'll learn any time soon. The Christian right is America's version of the Taliban (I'm only half kidding). And, Topher, you are...
  15. M

    Dating & why do girls like bad guys

    Dating & why do girls like bad guys Women are like cars. Each one handles differently, and some have better features than others, and some are more expensive, but deep down they're all basically the same. Flashy cars tend to attract sleazy guys who overcompensate, because they're made to be...
  16. M

    I signed into hotmail only to find out that

    I read that as Easter gift soap and got excited.
  17. M

    The 3rd Official "2008 King of ST" thread: 2nd round nominations Tie breaker

    The 3rd Official "2008 King of ST" thread: 2nd round nominations Tie breaker If only. :( In reality I am going through some old toys to see what we are going to put in the upcoming garage sale. We have a shitload of Power Rangers.
  18. M

    Burned Alive or Frozen to death

    As long as you are dressed appropriately and avoid getting damp, from outside moisture or sweat you should be fine. If your out in cold weather and suddenly start to feel sleepy that's a warning sign that you want to find somewhere warm and dry. People start doing crazy things as hypothermia...
  19. M

    Travel/Vacations/Holiday anyone??

    In 3 weeks (as long as the ports stay open) ... still unsure of whether trip is a go now with war on the horizon.....I will be cruising with my family and friends (group of 30 or so) to Belize & Western Carib. The group is TKD instructors, students & parents .... "Kickin' in the Caribbean" is...