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  1. D

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    I also love how 'daffodil' has now become the curse word du jour on here
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    any late birds out there?

    Im screwed...i get sleepy in the afternoon, tired at around 9pm and im like a zombie in the morning...
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    Do you ever heed warnings from dreams?

    Man I have the "exam I haven't studied for" dream quite a bit. Always when there's unresolved stuff in my life, generally to do with work. Glad someone else got them too. By all means bear in mind what your unconscious mind is telling you when it dumps your mental rubbish through dreams but...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    cool! the thumb's ok, though, the flap's reattaching and plugged the hole more or less completely. just mildly pissed at the fact that with one extra milimeter on the cut i'd have severed a tendon. should be completely healed in a week or so, and it's still completely functional.
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    just go, dance, grab ass and have sex at the end of the night. Is it really that hard?
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    Questions of Morality

    good thread makes me laugh, keep going? Kill or be Killed?
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    Anonymous VS Scientology in Vancouver

    lol at the scifags
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    New FPS PC shooter game?

    ^ i always wanted that game. it looked like it kicked ass
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    Pet Thread

    In terms of pets I've got a bunch of fish... clown loaches... a freshwater tropical fish that likes to school and play dead and change color - originating in Borneo and Sumatra. They can get rather big and they make a very loud clicking sound sometimes... sounds like the tank is cracking. Go...
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    Question for the Brits

    No Sir! Tis a heartfelt compliment by jingo! Huzzah! Mitch
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    Christmassy Map!

    I thank you I'd put some Christmas smileys on if we'd be keeping them (when I take them back off, we'd have things like :santa: all over). However, I might find something else to oddify for Christmas on here sometime tonight or tomorrow
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    whats up with skyrim?

    SOO Roninmaster, you too used to be an adventurer too. That is until you caught an arrow in the knee! BAWAHAHAHA But seriously check out for the best walkthrough guides for skyrim and any other game alive at all for that matter! It is a good site. I used it to determine/realise...
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    Possable UK fuel strike?

    i drive at 55-60mph in the slow lane if anyone gets within 6ft of the rear of rear bumper i slam the brakes on like no tomorrow. they get the hint...quickly.
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    UK--First 5 Months Earnings go to Government

    Yeah they say that but they don't back it up or explain why expenditure is suddenly the new, best measure of prosperity rather than household income which we've used to measure prosperity for every other tax rise but suddenly decided is inadequate for this one. I mean seriously, there are not...
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    Ask a straight, white, apolitical male...

    Isn't that the heading to chapter 1 of the Paedophiles' Manifesto?
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    World Domination

    btw I'd have to be one of the horsemen...... I'm probably the only one here who can ride anyway ! Plus my Andalusians really look the part.....
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    MAPPERS in Scotland!!!

    12th it is then! Nah, only kidding ya, looks to be post xmas then guys, who can make what? I can't make the 26th but thats it. Col
  18. D

    The difference between biscuits and cookies!?

    An advertising agency