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  1. V

    Some stupid redneck stole my heavy bag.

    ^.......most people really are'nt scared of martial artists ....there ignorance is bliss It sucks having stuff stolen. Maybe put a new one up and use it as bait to lure them into a pit with spikes in the bottom. Or maybe even without spikes- you could make them fight each other and...
  2. V

    Birth of the Universe Revealed
  3. V

    Tidying Up Support Thread

    Ahh see I am taking the sensible course and not having any as my time management sucks as it is!
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    you've got guts, i'll give you that
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    My DVD player is only playing in black and white?

    We just got a Vizio TV and my dvd player (SONY) is hooked up, but is fuzzy and now in black and white. We checked the plugs and everything, but nothing helped. I'm out of ideas. Please help!
  6. V

    The password is....

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    yeah me too. i've got a 4.0 and i have yet to get anything more than a pat on the back.
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    Ontario is a have not now

    At least Ottawa (Ontario) does seem to be growing fairly rapidly - sure is a lot of housing going up. Between the service industry and government jobs, the economy seems pretty good (although I've seen quite a few shops and restaurants closed up recently). Even if Ottawa is a "have-not", it...
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    MAP Members Hobbies

    sounds like someone with too much time on their hands..... oops this thread is moving on a pace
  10. V

    Ratmen are coming!

    Go cut your wrists.
  11. V

    Who is the epitome of perfection?

    She is the epitome of perfection She is the perfect example of perfection. Ashley Coles a WA*K*R
  12. V

    Perhaps my more impish side showing...

    I dunno Aravi, the show's dumb I would agree but some of the fighters could probably fight for real I suppose, note that I said some! They don't train specifically to fight and will more than likely to be surprised as hell to recieve a hard pun on their nose. Still I admit I would want to pay...
  13. V

    Should Obama be told that Judaism and Christianity has contributed more

    no. of course not. in fact, in the 9th century, about 1020, Islam was taking over Europe. The Christians were persecuting everyone, and while they despised them, they actually learned from Islamic teachings. If it wasn't for Islam, we might not have made some of the most amazing breakthroughs...
  14. V

    Female MAPpers only Poll: Shaved head, hot or not?

    Just joined the club of shaved head guys. And I'm incredibly HOT!
  15. V

    where to find live music performances to listen to on internet, other than youtube?

    some of the concert videos that i like have been removed from youtube because of copyright reasons. The straw that broke the camels back was Neil Young live at Massey Hall playing Cowgirl in The Sand. It is my favorite live performed song and was removed. Where can i find this song and others?
  16. V

    Who did most of the songwriting for the Traveling Wilburys?

    only answer if you actually know. Im sure they all had a part. I had heard somewhere that George Harrison did a lot of it. There music sounds like a Tom Petty style though. And then of course Bob Dylan is a great writer
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    What "holiday" do you celebrate?

    i celebrate Festivus. December 23rd every year. it consists of the airing of grievances, and the feats of strength. an aluminum pole is used instead of a tree
  18. V

    Raising money for road trip next summer?

    I am planning a road trip next summer and am looking for a way to raise money. I am a college student so getting an extra job is not an option. All i am looking to raise is gas money. What are some things i can do by next summer. Not opposed to out of the ordinary ideas.
  19. V

    seinfeld name quiz?

    1. what is the "soup nazi's" name? 2. what is Peterman's real first name? 3. what is George's middle name? 4. what is the name of Kramer's friend who eats horse all the time and he gets it from his butcher?