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  1. B

    Roast of Bob Saget

    The only thing I liked about Pams was that you could see her nipples through her shirt. But I think Flavor Flavs was the funniest.
  2. B

    North Korea Nuke Test

    i agree with the sentiment but in the scenario I gave above, I said i wouldn't lose any sleep over it, AFTER he had used the nukes. It might seem that preventative action is the best policy, but international law exists for some very good reasons. the vacuum of power is one aspect, but also...
  3. B

    Big Planet.... Small Planet

    I remember a scene from the comedy series Porridge (it was transported to the USA, but re-filmed with different actors). They used a football for the Sun, a pingpong ball for Mercury and an apple for the Earth. "I do believe that this whole charade was an effort to steal my apple"
  4. B

    What does your avatar mean?

    Nope. Got bored in I.S.S, found a book with no cover, and the guys name was Xanatos. also, 903 is my area code...
  5. B

    So internet censorship...

    In which case i can't see what annoyed you
  6. B

    My Brother Is Dating A Russian

    your bro's girl looks like she was hot at one point...and then got beat with an ugly stick... sorry :(
  7. B

    Best Quiznos Sammich?!

    Baja Chicken.
  8. B

    I find myself doing this more and more...

    Stick shift nub.
  9. B

    Tampons and Tools...

    Actually (oh god, am I really gonna poke the bear?)... I think your rage issues stem from far different places but people give you much needed TARGETS... which make them important to the venting process and keep the rage in check.... *cringes hard and waits for the first blow to land*
  10. B

    What makes you angry?

    Possibly from me on another forum? I get about a bit.
  11. B

    Funny voicemail greetings....

  12. B

    At what age are you allowed to travel by plane by yourself?

    Don't know if it is still true, but United let unaccompanied minors fly as young as 5. There were lots of rules & regulations - had to have confirmed hand off to a responsible, identified adult on landing, etc.
  13. B

    How are you making ends meet living on Oahu, HI? Price hikes sewage & HECO?

    Most everyone I know lives paycheck to paycheck. I'm having a bit of an easier time of it lately, since we finally have paid off our credit cards. But I would still characterize it as living from paycheck to paycheck.
  14. B

    How are you making ends meet living on Oahu, HI? Price hikes sewage & HECO?

    Most everyone I know lives paycheck to paycheck. I'm having a bit of an easier time of it lately, since we finally have paid off our credit cards. But I would still characterize it as living from paycheck to paycheck.
  15. B

    Shore Fishing on Oahu [Hawaii]

    I see people shore fishing all along the coast on east Oahu
  16. B

    Are'nt you sick and tired of all those ____ spreading rumors about Obama

    Yes, I am so very tired of seeing those questions. Especially when you know that the people asking the questions know darned well that they are a pack of lies.
  17. B

    Are'nt you sick and tired of all those ____ spreading rumors about Obama...

    Yes, I am so very tired of seeing those questions. Especially when you know that the people asking the questions know darned well that they are a pack of lies.