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  1. B

    I got a warning

    hes just trying to scare the piss out of you. your fine
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    Gun Control

    Not if he has it in a safe and you don't know the combination.
  3. B

    The 3 animals game...

    Oops, err.. present company with moderating powers excluded!
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    Weekly Sketch Thread -

    @ Rand86 yeah man I hear ya. It's easy to do. When you sketch try to go for less detail and more gesture. Detail is generally the last resort of poorly constructed anatomy. Often times in illustrations you'll see a huge amount of detail to make up for not well thought composition or anatomy...
  5. B


    once again i have none on me...ship me some for free and ill try it
  6. B

    Dead whale

    instead of snowing, it was WHALEING! LOLOLOLOLOL :dodgy:
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    Who is hotter: Hathlan or Glutamic Acid

    Hathlan - duh. (Have no idea what Glutamic looks like, but even if I did... :p:)
  8. B

    Confirm or deny?

    yeah the practice seems very dubious and downright wrong. If I recall... many pedigree German shepherd breeds end up with severe hip problems because of the breeding process. Hip/canine dysplasia and all that.
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    Post Apocalyptic World - What could you do?

    I was wondering why the zombie thing is getting so popular and i had a thought....Considering the civilized nations and the overfed population with obesity becoming a major health issue and the addiction to fast food. And other people pleasing comfort foods. People would really go crazy if this...
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    Got rodent?

    Bottoms up, sinners! Your salvation lies with a furry friend, the rat, according to a leading British physician and nutirionist, who studied hard by looking pretty. Got rodent? I don't think you people had to drink rat's milk even as the Germans were about to invade. Now you'll do it for the...
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    gotem b4 from teh woods... nail polish helps suffocate them /thread i would be sarcastic but they are really fucking annoying, i've felt your pain
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    Your favorite smells?

    the spilled blood of a Satanist after being slayed by a man.
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    England is Vanishing

    Hmm. Then maybe you haven't understood what I meant. I'm saying barring permanent disablilities, NO ONE 'needs' to be on benefits permanently. I also believe many of the current problems with the mentality of young people stem from an ingrained belief that society owes them whatever they can...
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    "OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

    "OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest It seems Ogame has a beta version on production. On first looks it seems better than the original O game.
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    endagered species :O

    Ha, losers! I've got massive antlers.
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    Airsoft or Paintball?

    It's like paintballing except using BBs and the guns look real. In depth article here:
  17. B

    Has The Nokia Navy SEAL Been Deployed?

    No. nokia doesn't have a navy, son. you know that my ID mocks what a lying, cowardly chickenhawk you are. Why play dumb? And why post your child molesting fantasies?AGAIN?
  18. B

    Survey: Which "Addiction" do you think would be the worst for you to endure...?

    B. Oh god... I would die..But I think I'd rather be addicted to that gd show than weed. I don't like weed, it sucks