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  1. C

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Back from holiday. So happy to be in my own home with some personal space of my own and some peace and quiet. Being sociable is exhausting. Why do people do it? Oh and I still have a whole week off work!
  2. C

    Rolls not Buns!

    Cream? Sugar?
  3. C

    card i gave to my mom

    Today was mothers day?!?!?!?!
  4. C

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    no u *flicks blood from my finger at you*
  5. C

    Im gunna miss home cooking.....

    Learn to cook fool. My mom rarely cooks, I'm responsible for like 80% of what I eat.
  6. C

    The Stupid Excuses Thread

    Jasper Carrott - comedy gold!
  7. C

    Question for the Brits

    I don't mind the national anthem, but frankly I always thought Rule Britannia would've made a much better choice.
  8. C

    Does anyone still have my GIJoe video?

    St:video section try?
  9. C

    name game

    Someone needs to learn to get bigger monitor? small monitor is small
  10. C

    Is this the acceptable face of racism?

    It's fairly unpleasant, yeah.
  11. C

    Post Apocalyptic World - What could you do?

    So weve got a couple of builders a couple of hunters, Toki will be supplying a surpluss of women, we are about set
  12. C

    Tampons and Tools...,news-comment,news-politics,rapex-the-internal-anti-rape-device Morb away
  13. C


    Why should it be some tool which can be used for your own benefit? It is just an honest emotion.
  14. C

    new picture battle

    In this case, love IS blind.
  15. C

    I think I've seen nearly every teen/college film since 2000?

    are there any less well known ones that you reccomend?
  16. C

    have at it.

  17. C

    The guy a the middle of the picture in the welcome to tsr tab has the worst hair

    Tbh, everyone on the front page is ugly. Apart from the GCSE results girls. :mmm: EDIT: Actually, I take that back. ihav really don't make the front page look attractive.
  18. C

    Do cancer scare stories give you the Daily Mail?

    thats known as anedotal evidence. you know some young people with cancer therefore so it sticks out more in your head. but the REAL and numerical answers state that cancer is much more common in the aged. i know a guy who died when we were ridding horses, very fast, a turkey flew up and...
  19. C

    Sick in the head

    LOL, if only the world worked like that my friend.
  20. C

    What would you have been called had you been the opposite sex?

    I would have been Adam. Which I think is quite a cute name.