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  1. S

    If we don't have freedom from religion...?

    does that mean we can ignore the rest of the Constitution too? The claim that the Constitution only protects "freedom of religion" and not "freedom from religion" is missing an important point. Religious liberty, if it is to mean anything, cannot...
  2. S

    Is Judaism a welcoming religion?

    I don't understand what you mean by welcoming. They'll accept you, sure, but you don't just convert to Judaism like one can with Christianity and Islam. It takes a year, sometimes more, until you are considered Jewish (you have to go through all the Jewish holidays.) In addition, you have to...
  3. S

    Ugliest fashion trends of all time?

    Ug boots. The name even proclaims they are ugly, so what did people expect? I'm gland that trend only lasted for 10 minutes. The only reason I don't say crocs is because they are useful for nurses and people who have to be on their feet all day. Nobody other then those people wearing them for...
  4. S

    Judaism: What is the Jewish view toward atheists?

    One of the concepts that perturb me about Christianity and Islam (there are many things, but this is just one), is how atheists are viewed, and by extension, treated. The Bible even resorts to name calling by labeling them as fools. In my opinion, an omnibenevolent G-d would not call his...
  5. S

    R&S, is the Religion & Spirituality category out of control?

    I think a little bit, but not everybody has a "thinker" layer of skin. There was a user on here I really liked, helped me a lot with my Buddhism questions, but she comes from an Eastern culture, where people aren't the kind of rude you see here. She was bullied, IMO, and insulted to the point...
  6. S

    What???s the cause of evil according to Judaism?

    I am not Jewish, or even looking to be one, but I am very interested in learning about Judaism. From what I understand (and please correct me if I’m wrong), there is only one G-d, and his angels have no free will, so there’s no such thing as a “fallen angel” like there is in Christianity since...
  7. S

    Why are all the latest trends malicious?

    Such as....? Would you prefer going back to bear baiting?
  8. S

    the elements in Islam that are shared with Judaism and the elements that are

    Islam and Judaism: There is one God and he should be praised. Moses is also a prophet from him. Islam and Christianity: Jesus existed. That's about it. Both books don't like homosexuals, if I had to pick something out.