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    i want to say early happy..

    Ah yes, four day weekend coming right up.
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    if you could

    The one without the asshole.
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    When you were young... Did you ever Actually pull a Charizard out of a pack?

    yeah then i traded it for like 15 cards to my friend...
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    I'm gonna have to agree with this one
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    Hurrah! MAP is back!

    First thing that happened when I signed in was that "Server is under too much load etc etc". I couldnt help laugh at the irony. Who screwed up the smilies btw?
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    Ring! Ring! Ring! I hear the school bell!

    August 20th :(
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    Science fact or science fiction ?

    As am I a busy man. I was hoping for an out too :P Oh I apologize for having an opinion. I've hardly talked about the science itself, nor am I actually interested in that topic, I'm just venting my anger towards what I deem slightly useless science. Again sorry for having an opinion, or...
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    Help me

    one of these
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    Wtf!!!???!! Earthquake In Socal!!!

    Feeling earthquakes is what all the cool kids do
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    a not sure

    War for any country is a bad idea ! Oh and while you're invading England, if you get to London can you grab me some Newcastle Brown Ale on the way? And some battered Mars bars? (they taste better in Hartlepoole) Cheers.
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    Epic Pokemon Thread

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    UK Internment Camps For The Disabled

    What does a guy who works for coca-cola know of the lives of disabled people or party politics? You're also forgetting they're still in the sound-bite stages and haven't formulated a concrete plan. That at this stage they could promise the moon and it would make no difference, because the...
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    What the actual flood?!
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    Immitation, the highest form of flattery

    im thizzin
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    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" So can I. But so what? What does that tell us? How does that help us make good decisions about the future? You need to talk to more Brits. There aren't many I know that would like the same sort of gun ownership as America. Some would like...
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    The Carnivore Thread

    Woah. Arts students AND vegans! I consider myself quite a tolerant person but that would be pushing my limits.
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    I just got a new megaphone

    srsly. we are srs business.
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    U.S. Presidential election 2012

    Unless you're Muslim, in which case, religious freedom has a big old asterix next to it. Apart from the people who develop lung cancer because of the carcinogens they are breathing as a result of your habit. That is infringing on their right not to die a slow painful death. As a citizen you...
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    Saudi gang-rape VICTIM is jailed

    America, rightly or wrongly is seen as very partisan with it’s own agenda, so wouldn’t it be nice if the US decided to support a neutral international body to rule on these matters. To those who would say ‘that would be a step towards a world dictatorship’ I reply; What is the difference...
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    Men vs. Women in Sports

    Lemme just say that it is true that women tennis players do get a lot of public attention. But that is really the only sport where women get a lot of public attention and also has clear objective goals. Most sports that women compete in that also get a lot of public attention are still...