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  1. D

    Your perfect girl.

    Somewhat petite with natural red hair, good teeth and face, good hygiene, intelligent or nice.
  2. D


    Seriously? Seriously. MAP is not your whine box. I wasn't going to say it, somebody had to eventually. I'm just surprised that it was freakin' Kat who jumped up and did it before me.
  3. D

    George Bush does a dance!

    LOL, what a flid.
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    Blame everything on fat people

    so its the usa's fault sense 60% of the population is fat. i think fat, not heavy, but strait up fat people and stupid people, not retarded people, just ppl with no common sense should be subject to mild public battery...
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    i bought like a pack of 12 used dildos on ebay once one of them had some brown stuff but over good buy for $10
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    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    That's just gotta hurt...hope your friend is alright, and not too badly damaged
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    Whats your FAVE beer?

    love that song, whats it called? ( please dont say that 1 burbon one scotch, one beer is the title )
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    you disappoint me. you were supposed to answer "a tattoo" .
  9. D

    ST help me. Ppl keep saying shit about my feet

    Dude i work at sportchek (canadian sports store)... we have one pair of size 18 Under Armor shoes in the back... They seriously weigh 2 pounds per shoe. They've been in the store for 2 years now, and no one has bought them. The largest shoes i've ever sold to a customer were 15's and the guy...
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    Dog in danger of being put down...Please complain here.

    Wow that sucks. If that were my dog, I would hire the best lawyer I could find. I hope everything works out.
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    And there probably isnt anything under those. OR thongs. I love volleyball. ass >boobs Boobs are, meh. Nice, but meh.
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    What is a nice country to live in (please read)

    See ya. Don't let the door at Dover slam you on the arse on the way out.
  13. D

    The English Perspective on Scottish Independence and the End of the Union.

    no I was quiet directly referring to you personally and some of the things you have came out with about Scottish people on this site in the past, nothing to do with celtic nationalism as much as Im sure you wish that was the line of argument I intended to pursue...
  14. D

    What car games do you play?

    When me and my friend are bored, we get some of our girl friends and play a game in the car. The game consists of hitting the ceiling of the car whenever you go under a traffic light. The last person to do so has to take off an article of clothing. It usually ends with everyone naked and...
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    College Major.

    Dude, you're in San Diego. You can find a school that teaches it. It'll be hard as hell. Make no mistake. If you take 4 years of biology you'll meet a lot of chicks and have a lot of fun. If you take Biomed it will probably take you 6 years and you'll be stuck in a lab somewhere for most...
  16. D

    Exercise and Pharmicuticals

    my aunt is fat and hooked on pharmies and tries to steal money from my dieing granny.... lol but its true! i think people need to do the research their doctors are not doing... otherwhise they are waisting their lives and money. my philosophy is... if something is more harmful then grass...
  17. D

    Fun Math Trivia-Geometry?

    Let one regular polygon have j vertices and let the other polygon have k vertices. j² - 3j + k² - 3k = 53 j² + k² = 104 j = 3, no j = 4, no j = 5, no j = 6, no j = 7, no j = 8, no j = 9, no j = 10, yes, k = 2 One has 10 sides, the other has 2 sides, which is impossible (unless the polygons...
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    Quiz time! What is your ......?

    favorite meal: don't have one dessert: don't have one t.v. star: don't watch t.v. song: so many singer: none book: math books in general sport: none (basketball?) way to past the time: math
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    Math help, introduction to number theory question?

    Use Fermat's Little theorem. It's easy to show this.