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  1. Usted

    Girls.. Why random girls tease me in a flirty way and give attention but no... ever asked me out? If they have confidence to approach a random guy like me and flirt (teasing) and give attention, why can't ask me out ever? PLEASE HELP ME GIRLS? Thanks.
  2. Usted

    Best body language to know if a random girl is attracted to me while talking?

    I talked with this random girl and she seemed to avoid eye contact, was flipping her hair while avoiding eye contact, smiled a bit..... However I am wondering what is the BEST BODY LANGUAGE to look out when finding out if a random girl likes me? GIRLS PLEASE HELP ME, SINCE IT WOULD BE USEFUL...
  3. Usted

    Girl's best body language to find out if she is attracted to a random guy?

    I had no clue as to some random girls who liked me in the past. I first met them in public settings like a shopping mall, arcade games, etc. I did try to observe some basic body language like , hair flipping, staring often, etc. BUT this girls, did not show any body language I expected. They...
  4. Usted

    Why would a random girl bully me?

    This group of 4 women were sitting next to me in the food court. I was having my meal and this food court was packed with people. After I finished my meal, one of the woman walked past my table and then said," excuse me". Then she stood beside me and her friend (one of the 4 women) took a...