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  1. Z


    Actually, Its not sanitary to be uncircumsized. And it doesnt look good...
  2. Z

    Alimony Suit in Flordia

    could this be it? another mention of it off a blog that I ran across... I searched CNN but couldn't locate the article: source:
  3. Z

    Good things about Islam?

    What about Das Kapital or various other social texts? Agreed, and I failed to give you credit for that. But the issue is that And here's where you swerve into an arguement that is completely blind to the facts. There is not question, objectively what's written in the bible. Or any document...
  4. Z

    Riddle Me This

    If it takes two men an hour to dig a hole. How long does it take one man to dig half a hole? Ash
  5. Z

    Life or Death situation.

    This question is way too hypothetical for me to feel the least bit intelligent about answering, but.... IF he wanted us to eat him and IF it was guaranteed that the rest of us would survive, then I would eat him.
  6. Z

    Who Shares your birthday
  7. Z

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Yes. Yes I am.
  8. Z

    Favorite Comedian

    Russel Peters.
  9. Z

    Abortion is Wrong

    The Bible also states that "if you spare the rod, you hate your child", what scripture you're quoting in Deuteronomy is a metaphor IMO. It's easy to google and post a verse, it's quite another thing to actually study it. The Bible is simply saying that if you have a child like that he/she may as...
  10. Z

    Meeting Ryan Sheckler tomorrow....

    because that clearly has something to do with this conversation edit: witch one would you rather have ariel the mermaid ariel the girl
  11. Z

    What Are The Rules For Cock Blocks?

    Later, he juggled knives, tied his leg to me and ran around the house and did flaming shots. Chuck knows his shit.
  12. Z

    Back to the gold standard

    A plee to keep this on topic >.
  13. Z

    Do You............

  14. Z

    Wow, MAP Anniversary coming up!

    The join date is on the bottom of the statistics page for me. =)
  15. Z

    How many five year olds could you fight? I got 25. Not sure if that's good or bad. I think some experience of fighting swarms would have helped me.
  16. Z


    Fully comp and protected no-claims. Has to pay for the other car so might as well get it done properly.
  17. Z

    Where did you get your forum usernames?

    You beat up nuns for fun?
  18. Z

    Is Global Warming a myth?

    It has slowed significantly. Do you aim to be uninformed on every topic you form an opinion on?
  19. Z


    Cool thanks for that Garth sounds like it should be fun. Sad moment: Is that an XM8 in your pic?
  20. Z

    A reason not to drink and drive this Christmas

    If your'e dumb enough to drink and drive then you deserve to die!