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    **** our hamster just died

    It lived for only 3 weeks?!?!?! WHAT did you DO to it??????
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    Opinons of MySpace?

    Personally, i find it debateable. I have a bebo, used to have myspace. I had myspace and in 4 days 3 paedos, 4 randoms and a psychopath added me on MSN. I've never gone near it since.
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    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)

    You bought 10 tickets!
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    honoring the chimp

    Top one is an Orang Utan or hippy scum to Chimps. Here's chimp calling you out for calling him a ginge and here he is moving into his house heres the girl he pulled last night after she breaks the bad news to him accompanied by her brothers who are home on leave. and here he is after...
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    Who would win

    yea hes on teh military channel a lot why do ppl flame me for teh spellingz :(
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    What Are

    dont wear a condom, that pisses off my teachers
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    What is up with you brits?

    Like Catherine Tate - she is CRAP - yet she won the comedy award last night! wth?!
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    Edinburgh-biggest march ever

    Just back from the march and i feel very proud to have been part of such an historic day. 200,000 people what a day, it took me 2 and a half hours just to get started, but thats nothing compaired to how long a child will walk for water. Well done to all who share the same dream. where ever you are.
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    Zimmerman Martin Case

    Now he's a thug? Wow, really? You just watch some dumb Michael Douglas movie or did you just miss your coffee? You didn't get stoned in the 70s? Why don't you stick with evidence as your opinion is quickly starting to sound like something Rush would spew. Was there any evidence that he...
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    If you could be anyone else for a day who would it be and why?

    Hell go for a billion he wouldn't even notice!!! Personally I'd like to get into the melon of Dennis Miller. That is one funny guy!
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    Passing a drugtest

    You do drugs and will not pass the test. Good luck in life, kid.
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    Homosexuality & Raising Kids

    Homosexuality & Raising Kids This is your best attempt at formulating an argument? No wonder the Democrats won the last election.
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    fave band

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    Justice? Really? I must have a different perception of it than my local court system

    I agree he's a penis and a threat to the kids and I also think your state court sucks a collosal amount of teste
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    Pig milk for human consumption... why or why not?

    Maybe we should just ask the dude from this thread:
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    My girlfriend is awesome!

    Not if the G string was dirty.
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    Is Global Warming a myth?

    I've actually been reading this and nodding in agreement to liokault. It's not going to happen for some very big and valid reasons, but what can I say. The first predicted apocalypse-like time for humans is going to be when the...
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    new ma member on the way

    many congratulations
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    The Official Pimping Thread: LSP

    I'm like ultramega ill, I have a cold :( I'm sweating like a blind man at a crossing and I have to get up early tomorrow. Woe is me. :( Your parents or you could just do one of those sponsorship things like a sponsored masturbation session or something :yep:
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    WARNING: This product is known by the state of California. . .

    This coming from a guy in the country that recently had measures in place to ban sharp knives? You get no pass to call anyone paranoid.