Search results

  1. P

    best drink fucking ever

    One of them told me it made their tits feel great. Its some estrogen cocktail.
  2. P

    Man Federation!

    I'm in.
  3. P

    Any lawyers or attorneys please chime in!

    Bro you are so fucked, like bro you don't even know bro.
  4. P

    so strange excretions from mah boddeh

    wtfbbq? please explain
  5. P

    Tired of chicks blaming their whoreness on alcohol/guys

    I'm tired of my ex girlfriends turning into sluts...
  6. P

    Soldier murdered in London

    Again, who are we to say what is and what isn't justification for a Muslim to feel x,y, or z about? Have you researched their religion or are you Muslim? What x Muslim feels miffed about, y Muslim might laugh at. Of course, z Muslim might want your head for it but then again he might not...
  7. P

    Mugging Tonight- 911 surprise

    Your name and contact details are a must. The descriptions and last direction of travel for the perps .. Description of the victim .. That is the minimum the operator should have obtained and passed to the dispatched units. Marked and unmarked vehicles should have been sent to locate the...
  8. P

    Worst Haircuts

    copy cat
  9. P

    That is awesome. I love it. Respect to that guy for taking to time to create something so detailed and interesting. I could look at it all day.
  10. P

    Should I be scared?

    iron bars on the window
  11. P

    What creepy offenders live near you? *Pics*

    lulz benjamin linus
  12. P

    beverage of choice

    water / iced tea.
  13. P

    Ballet - A Beautiful Strength

    It has been my dream to date a (ballet) dancer. Simply because I appreciate the art, seeing their passion expressed through dance. And a dancer isn't likely to let themselves go in the future.
  14. P

    Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

    Can you leave the base much CV? Get off into the rest of the country? I imagine not... Mitch
  15. P

    Should the NHS support "alternative therapies" ?

    Should the NHS support "alternative therapies" ? I'll have a proper look after work. Much obliged Taoquan.
  16. P

    Dating & why do girls like bad guys

    Dating & why do girls like bad guys I'm sorry, but doesn't anyone else see the irony of this thread? Why are you coming ONLINE to ask for dating advice?
  17. P

    If you could freeze a day

  18. P

    Pub Map!

    I'll go get my jumper, Alan Partridge style
  19. P

    !!!Stupid Celebrity Comments!!!?

    i think there are stupid people and then there are people who have foots in their mouth and then those who just are nervous speakers. about the al gore response. I think he is trying to show that in the first place a zebra with stripes can never change to spots and then change again a second...