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  1. A

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    I might try hedgehog racing - due to the 2 that were sprinting round the back garden at warp speed last night!
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    Saddam has been downed

    No, I understand perfectly what you say, but it's a circular argument. You saying that there's not much actually wrong with how he was executed, except how it will be perceived. That makes no sense. If we, as intellgent people, can perceive that it wasn't a lynching, then everybody else can...
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    Britain and America: divided by a common language

    Here's a weird one. Take the gh as in "rough" The o as in "women" The ti as in "station" ghoti = fish I'm sure other languages are equally odd, aren't they?
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I guess you already tried eBay? My favourites are Miss Selfridge skinny fit in black or grey, also the Muji 100% are second best. Really I should stock up on a couple more pairs for when these wear out or I'll be forced into using them for a pattern and running up a pair on the sewing machine...
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    Canadian Firearms Seizure in High River, AB, Canada?

    Our strongest defense against domestic tyranny is educated, emotionally healthy citizens.
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    Ban the last poster before you post

    for disrespecting Crown Prince Domino's postwhoring of MAP, even after he defended her fruitiness!!!!!111111121!!
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    Amazing trip to China

    Panda looks like he's toking on a doobie. Panda is cool.
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    Wild accussation

    Polar Bear isn't actually a bear. He's lying to us all.
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    World War HULC

    It's not supposed to impede the range of motion, and you can't supposedly feel the weight. How can it be dangerous in a CB situation?
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    1 in 78 UK adults spied on...

    Yes the government is spying on everyone to help us all! There are always excuses for tyranny. Silly. The government are criminals! CCTV has made virtually no difference to crime. This has been well discussed. You agree with facial recognition software? How about the monitoring of every...
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    The Last Taboos

    wouldn't that be ironic, in an alanis morisette kind of way
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    Make a wish, .. and have it corrupted!

    Granted, but all it does is sit in the corner and throw poo at you all day, only leaveing to bite you in the butt, which is its main form of communication. Unfortunately, it is quite talkative. I wish I had brought a better lunch to work.
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    Can I have a link to a photo of a celebrity from a magazine that has been...

    ...photoshopped? I need a visual example for a marketing essay
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    Is it worth switching from Cablevision to Verizon Fios?

    I'm becoming more and more annoyed with Cablevision's price gouging then having the cajounes to drop 10 channels after doing so saying I now need a even more expensive package to get those channels back. So I'm considering dropping the company all together and moving to Verizon Fios's $99 a...
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    Is there a way to block a number from texting you on a Verizon phone?

    I've been getting about 2 or 3 text messages a day from the same wrong number for a week. I do not have unlimited text and I'm sick of this guy wasting them. Yes I did explain to the person they have the wrong number, but their response was, "No I dont, you're joking." So the only way to get...
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    Was the Wicker Man remake with Nicolas Cage supposed to be a comedy?

    Was it supposed to be a serious horror movie or a spoof horror like The Stepford Wives remake? Because the sight of Nick Cage repeatidly puching women, karate kicking Leelee Sobieski in the face, and then running up to a woman in a bear suit and clocking her upside the head were causing...
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    Worst celebrity porn tape?

    Mini Me made a sex tape?! That has to be the worst one I mean he's the size of a baby!
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    WHO says we have to spend HOLIDAYS with people we spend "all year"

    Thats my whole family. And why I went to Vegas on Easter this year.
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    What internet crime would you get busted for?

    Music downloading
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    How many Y/A celebrities can you name?

    Buk Sandstorm Judas Rabbi $mitty (troll from the early P&S)