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    Ultamate Showdown Bear grylls vs Survivor Man

    I watch T.V. for entertainment. Man versus Wild is entertaining, Survivorman is not.
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    girl gets kidnapped by online gamer

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    Make money popping zits!!!

    i think this is a fetish
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    Internets put to good use...

    not clicking
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    Abortion is Wrong

    Murder is a subjective social definition of killing. It is a legal definition, so no matter how much the pro-lifers want legal abortion to be defined as murder, it cannot be without the law changing.
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    Death row killer forgiven by shooting victim

    No no....I don't mean every newborn should pass through some test and be put into the "life" or "death" basket. You earn your right to live, as an adult, by 1. being self sufficient 2. respecting other life on this planet (not just other human life) 3. respecting yourself If you don't earn your...
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    Working on my Security License

    Thanks. I'll take a look for it. I'm also going to pick up some stuff on my states pistol laws and proper usage of them. It'll come in handy for my armed security license I think. Verbal Judo is also on my shopping list.
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    bored and fed up of waiting to go to uni

    Okay, fine. So I have, apparently, terrible reasons for not wanting to go on the dole. Either way, it's just something I didn't want to do right now, I wasn't judging anyone for it. My best friend did it for a while between jobs, whatever. I've been clearly misunderstood, and misunderstood...
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    breast or formula feed lets rephrase the queestion lol????????????????????

    can i breast feed and formula problem is i dont want to pump especially alot of milk when she goes to visit her dad. and ill be returning to work so it seems like a lot of work i also would like to try breast feeding i just didnt know if i could formula feed and breast feed?
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    What are you doing right now?

    Is the second a remake of the Peckinpah film 'The Killer Elite'? I'll probably still watch it as can't get enough of guys jumping through windows and not hurting themselves
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    What are you doing right now?

    Grilling a butcher made quarterpounder as post-workout celebratory snack.
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    Dutch couple adopts Korean girl and then return her 7 years later!!!

    If the 'dirt' dug up on them is to be believed she was kept outside of the normal family unit.
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    Photography Thread....

    Sweet Jesus Yoda... I can just shoot myself now. Crikey those are stunning.
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    Judge sends entire court to jail

    When you are in a courtroom - the judge is THE JUDGE. He has the entire hand of the law at his service then and there. For goodness sake though - when it says turn your phone off or to silent, DO IT
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    British government department loses the details of 25 million people

    How is that so different to being made to produce your driving license within 7 days. Are you going to post your sources for this? No, you wont need it for many day to day transactions, what it means is that the ID card will join passports and driving licenses as government issued...
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    Ricky Hatton Cocaine Shame

    Having read that article, there's one thing that stands out. What the hell was he doing spending the night in a hotel room with another woman when he only lived 10 minutes away. Wouldn't a tabloid newspaper normally shout about a sex scandal too? Also the video footage looked almost set up...
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    Popular fairytales and updating them? HELP PLEASE, MUCH MORE INTERESTING

    THAN IT LOOKS!? Okay so in english for our coursework we have to think of a Traditional fairytale (Cinderella, Hansel & Gretel, Snow White and the seven dwaves, etc) and modernise and update it. For example, (I can't use these ideas as a friend came up with them for her story), Little Red...
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    Popular fairytales and updating them? HELP PLEASE, MUCH MORE INTERESTING THAN IT...

    ...LOOKS!? Okay so in english for our coursework we have to think of a Traditional fairytale (Cinderella, Hansel & Gretel, Snow White and the seven dwaves, etc) and modernise and update it. For example, (I can't use these ideas as a friend came up with them for her story), Little Red Riding...
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    what is going to happen in season 4 finale of supernatural?

    details. guest stars, new characters,fights,deaths,etc.
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    If you have ever had drunk kids in your house, read on

    anything will be stolen , even by people that you have known for some time