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  1. M

    Have you heard of this sick hoax?

    Parents point to note: Teach your kids to run away from people who want to do bad things to them.
  2. M


    smoke weed around lots of drunk chicks = profit u remember but they dont
  3. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I'm 45 and I've smoked for 38 of them. Reap what you sow dude. Just didn't need it now
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    PH.D In philosophy, and a minor in Political Science. I'm going to be in school for a while.
  5. M

    Pale skin...?

    Going goth, are we? If all else fails, sit in a freezer for a while, or wear makeup. Of course, it helps if you're a white guy to begin with. Doesn't really work with other ethnicities.
  6. M

    For all the lonely men

    Now...there's lonely....and then there's LONELY....and then there's buying a 15 inch tall robot to talk to. Personally I can't imagine myself EVER being that lonely.
  7. M

    Walking Barefoot on broken glass

    Not at all, the links above are still working - I am not collecting till Wednesday from my work we get paid tomorrow but I am going to Edinburgh for the day.
  8. M

    I hate White Wizard because...

    just throw lots of alcohol in a glass i'll drink it . if i'm being civilised then i can handle some nice red wine please
  9. M

    Opinion of Previous users Avatar

    I was trying to think of something, but my eyes were just fixed on your av...
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    So how was your day?

    your name sucks ass but it was shitty. im gonna start havin some beer in a bit
  11. M

    FAO Frodo

    I really liked DS9 because it was darker, had an edge to it and the characters weren't the Perfect Starfleet Officers who always got on with each other, that you got in the other shows. I agree with you about Atlantis, I think by the time they started that show, they were running out of ideas -...
  12. M

    Footprints found yeti again.....

    WHY DON'T YOU GUYS GROW UP AND GET SOME COMMON SENSE? yETIS DO NOT EXIST They are a big con created by werewolves . regards koyo
  13. M

    Britains Debt..

    Countries may need to borrow, but that's no excuse to spend like there's no tomorrow. This is our money they are throwing around. The big problem is not necessarily the size of debt, but how it is spent. We've spent the money on the public sector which produces nothing. All it does is spend the...
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    Caution - Stupuid Question!!!

    I have always thought that in US there are just two different accents; texas accent which is people full of themselves with some kind of rural sound and the same without rural sound.
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    Police action at G20 protests

    from the article "The police reaction to the protests has been marked by what antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan calls “profound overkill.” “I have been to dozens of protests, large and small, since my son was killed in Iraq, but I have never seen anything like today,” Sheehan writes. “There were...
  16. M

    Cybernation V5.0

    lol @ 800 str
  17. M

    Google London Street view may get shut down

    I'm on it!! They caught me standing out front of where I work in East London.
  18. M

    Al Capones Vault!!!

    I realized it was bullshit the moment the blast guy started fucking with the explosives as soon as it malfunctioned.
  19. M

    If an average-above average I.Q. was required to be able to vote in November who would win the election?

    If an average-above average I.Q. was required to be able to vote in November who would win the election? well likely whoever had the most support among the university crowd and in those areas