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  1. N

    Champions League

    I'm a Cardiff City supporter (who obviously aren't in the Champions League!) but my Premiership team are Manchester United. I believe they will get through. AC Milan will start the match all guns blazing, get a goal, then sit back and defend. Italian teams are notorious for their tight defence...
  2. N

    The Time has come: SENIOR PRANKS

    I've got an idea. You can kill 6 teachers, and mark them 1,2,3,4,5,and 8, and hide them. So after they are found, everyone will be looking for 2 dead teachers :dodgy:
  3. N

    lulz. guess.

    skilift buttsecks mishap?
  4. N

    Israel - Palestine (Again)

    Apologies, my point is unclear and I myself an unclear on it BUT what I'm trying to say and should have phrased more carefully is that the original attack and the violation of the truce was performed by a splinter group (Gazza millitants or Palestinian Millitants in most reports) and not the...
  5. N

    What to eatz $13

    Moe's is the best place EVER
  6. N

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrr need to recompress all my videos. 1.5 TB just isn't enough space! I need to win the lotto.
  7. N

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Fish, you have so MUCH testosterone you need to use it to grow hair so that other guys don't get jealous of your supreme manliness (:
  8. N


    Halp! It woke me up.
  9. N

    Calling The Fan Boys...

    i haz macb00k. srsly.
  10. N

    Plants for a future

    Interesting thread. When I've got more space and time I'd like to grow some fun stuff. Also, I'd just like to say how impressed I am that no-one has made the obvious 'medicinal plant' joke yet!
  11. N

    Is Poetry Dead?

    Yeah no worries... be wary though... I always find that when it comes to poetry it's really important to read it as opposed to listen to someone recite it. I find that I always prefer the voice that appears in my head when I read and all the words synthesize into a persona as opposed to someones...
  12. N

    Basketball Vs Football

    Don't forget to hand in your passport on your way out of England.
  13. N

    Faux Hawk

    I have one, I like it. I'm also a raging homosexual.
  14. N

    Teen girls made pact to get pregnant

    girls are at fault too, but jesus, what are parents doing these days??
  15. N

    Thrift stores and Flea markets

    Here is a link to some top comics of value.
  16. N

    I saw someone famous earlier..

    Haha I'd do that! When I went to Prague with 6th form some lads pretneded they were players from Chelsea so they got free beer :D The dude from Primeval and his sister who was in sugar rush went to my primary school too :)
  17. N

    How dispose of body?

    Good one Tel. That is what immediately came to mind when I saw the thread title! The video also has the "Nemesis" speech. Love it!
  18. N

    How do you Britons feel?

    I believe in killing for defence but not in cold blood. I believe in life meaning life and jail not being a holiday. Without law who decides who lives and who dies? You, me, Nick Griffin?
  19. N

    Thought of the day

    This is something thats often said and usually agreed with but still rarely practiced.
  20. N

    Motorola Razr V3i question (10 points to best answer)?

    Did you read the manual it might help. you have a contacts button inside th phone that you press then an options menu which asks for a new contact then you put in the information for that person.