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  1. T

    what makes pale skin?

  2. T

    Fun Stuff

    WTH, I don't have sound but those were ridiculous.
  3. T

    Soldier murdered in London

    What about an old boy being murdered on his way back from the mosque surely that would be all over the papers, memorial pages would be all over facebook and a national festival of grief whoring and outrage would have been if full flow...
  4. T

    pasta hut.

    pewp hut
  5. T

    kids names?

  6. T

    Dorm Room Pictures

    you're an idiot.
  7. T

    Is Santa Claus real?

    [No message]
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    This week, in my alternate universe...

    I have been trained in the ultimate martial art, Elvis ryu jitsu do quan. I have learned this unique art directly from Elvis. No he is not dead,he has been hiding in my compost pile perfecting the art of Elvis ryu jitsu do quan! I have recently promoted myself, errr, I mean Elvis has promoted...
  9. T

    which way is she spinning?

    I think it's nothing to do with us it's just she can't make her bloody mind up
  10. T

    Bishop, AIDS, Condom. Go figure.

    Look at the bright side, he's celibate, that stupid line ends with him.
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    Worst. Pareidolia. Evah.

    I find it hilarious that Topher spends more time worrying about Jesus and what Christians do than most Christians do.
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    Stickam anyone?

    Room is Small Talk 2 Password is VIVALAST it must be caps You know what to do,we already have like 7 people
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    Gaza predictions

    "We have created an Ulster in hostile territory" Sir Ronald Storrs, British Foreign Minister, on the creation of Israel. Obviously it was done for a reason. Every empire wants a foothold in the middle east... they're still paying for it to this day. I sometimes wonder if we are forever...
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    Strong in the arm

    Someone is about to get headbutted in the nuts.
  15. T

    Why did God smite the HD dvd? Is it because he got a Ps3 for christmas,

    He did it because he knew you bought an HD player. Sucka. :-P
  16. T

    Why did God smite the HD dvd? Is it because he got a Ps3 for christmas,

    He did it because he knew you bought an HD player. Sucka. :-P