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  1. Y

    google maps street view

    he has one little dinger
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    Credit Crisis Explained with pokemon

    oh please gcse economics IS actually more difficult than a level economics and we have learnt about the credit crisis in depth. (note this is why only about four schools in the uk actually teach this at GCSE) It's quite apparent you know very little on the current climate and i cant be arsed...
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    The Vomit Ray...

    DM gas was indeed used widely in WWII! Rather nasty stuff. Figures the French that would have you shodding your knickers!
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Probably when people like you realise violence only breeds more violence. Now I'd also like to point out the UK has dealt with it's own home grown terrorism without having to send in fighter jets to flatten row after row of houses. It's taken a long time to get to where we are now, but it was...
  5. Y

    Systemx29 is back in action, *****es. Heres a new hospital and army base for yaaa.

    You should buy a video camera and start a youtube profile with this shits you could become popular and start a site then get donations and ad revune $$$
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    Would you fight Kimbo Slice for 60 seconds in order to get..

    Why'd you take a poll off of AOTS?
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    My house got Egged today.

    Because you're a fucking fish.
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    Worst Alcoholic Experience?

    This will pass. After very bad vodka experience, I couldn't drink vodka for at least a year. Same happened later with rum, whiskey, and then gin. Whatever it was that had made me sick, I couldn't drink for at least a year. Now I'm all back to normal, and finally understand the concept of...
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    Best super power?

    Can I get an extra couple of sets of arms - just like one of those multi-limbed deities from India and Tibet... It would make taking care of the triplets a whole lot easier (by that I mean actually physically possible for a change) AND I can see some benefits for my life as a percussionist and...
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    Personal flaws?

    I told you I made paradoxical statements!
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    In the UK, really?

    I'm only going off of what has been said, I also said it is either one or the other.
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    My bedtime

    so,, im trying to hang a plane from my ceiling and well i cant figure out where to tie the other end of the string to the bak of the plane, any suggestions?
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    tldr plz

    not on st much
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    Seeing Death.

    im guessing his head hit the windshield....
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    Girls Rules

    Rule #28: All men are looking at you. Even the blind ones.
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    Soldier deaths in Afganistan

    I came to that conclusion by thinking with my feelings and not my head. It's just that Iraq is a special case for me. I haven't been able to see family until Saddam was taken out. When I first walked into Iraq and saw the physical and psychological damage done to most people, I realized the...
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    Depression and i tought i could avoid it....

    You don't know that the point is you cant go around telling me not to comment on others lives without all the knowledge when you then do the same to me in the same paragraph. Well technically you can, but you look like an idiot . I'm going on what I've seen in this thread and since his...
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    This or That Version.OMFG

    Me. Jumping from 3rd story window or jumping from a car going 30 mph.
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    Can I charge my Energizer rechargable batteries in my Duracell battery charger?

    rechargable batteries don't care what the name of the charger is.
  20. Y

    Can I charge my Energizer rechargable batteries in my Duracell battery charger?

    rechargable batteries don't care what the name of the charger is.