Search results

  1. M

    Hair Cut

    Yea, sometimes I just doze off then wake up and do it again.
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    Mr. Bill

  3. M

    _~*Rate my bagel sammich, ST.*~_

    Honestly props on that fucking sandwich. Three main things that make or break a sandwich. Bread-:tup: (long as you toasted it lightly) Meat-:tup: Condaments- :tup: to everything but the eggs. 9/10 Would eat for sure.
  4. M

    Anyone up for Mornington Crescent ??

    Tsk, tsk, gentlemen. Remember this is a beginners game. Please refrain from the tomfoolery until the 3rd snark. To bring it down a notch I will invoke the Moon Quaker maneuver and arrive at London Bridge. Chadderz, failure to play soon could land you in a less then fortuitous position. Hop to it.
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    Argentine Pilots in the RAF

    Someone forgot to tell that to a great many of the Brits who are overseas. There's seemingly not many who understand that a massive number of the troops fighting in that theatre for the Brits were not the blond haired, blue eyed Brit from next door.
  6. M

    Soviet Britain

    No it doesn't. Being pro-EU doesn't make you evil and it doesn't mean you wish to give up all sovereignty. Thatcher ripped the heart out of British heavy industry because it was sick and dieing and had been for quite some time. It wasn't profitable. However Thatcher failed to replace heavy...
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    The European Union

    So to play devil's advocate you're cool with living in a possible dictatorship which could have far reachng consequences for the future so long as you can work in a different country with less hassle?
  8. M

    Google Trends

    Would that be Boxing Day? (I'm an American, so just guessing here). paz, dormindo
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    Your pet peev?

    I hate: People in movie theatres who have no sense of humour, and give you angry looks when you laugh at inappropriate times during the movie. (sometimes those scenes where someone professes their love for the other are really funny!) People who stop and turn when they see a disabled or...
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    Spammer Gets Spammed!

    My Mother gets Penis Enlargement emails!
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    Hair Loss...

    no its not patchy, its the whole middle part of my hair.
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    About adding dvd/rom?

    im having a hard time playing my dvd movies on windows 98 i put in a newer dvd and it says missing driver where can i get drivers also i tryed hooking up the internet to 98 and it says needs drivers also anyone can you tell me where to go to get these drivers??
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    Does Sprint charge for Twitter texts?

    I have not been able to find out about this, I have searched and searched. I would like to add my cell to the devices on Twitter but don't dare because I am afraid Sprint will charge me. If anyone knows this let me know and if there is a page or site that it is on that show the charge or non...
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    Rate my joke???????????????????????

    pretty durn funny!
  15. M

    Should I get the Samsung P2 or the 4th generation iPod Nano?

    Ok, so I have this old iPod Video. I really like it, you know, there's nothing wrong with it. I like how much space there is (30 gb), but it's sort of hard to fit in a purse or a backpack since it's so big. It still works perfectly fine, but I kinda want a new one. I can't decide between the...
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    Free audio converters (M4P to MP3 etc...) and video?

    I have done many searches and haven't come across an actual 'free' converted for songs, all I have found are ones that will convert a portion of the song not the whole thing. Are there any out there that are 'free' that will convert it as a whole? I basically want one to convert M4P (iTunes) to...
  17. M

    Exporting iTunes to MP3 format?

    Can you really do this? Because I tried and I don't see an option to export songs to be in MP3 format, only what the iTunes format is M4P. Someone told me I could do this but I don't see it being that simple. Someone told me this because I had asked if there was a way to make all my music I rip...
  18. M

    Survey:Which sales promotion can entice you to purchase?

    E. if they offer me a life supply of little corn dogs if so then heck yes.
  19. M

    lesbians upon meeting a girl for the first time?

    i definatly look into her eyes, so she knows im listening and paying attention, if i find her attractive i tend to shut up and not say much so i guess i kinda do both.