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  1. L

    more pb or jelly?

    peanut butter, it gives it more taste
  2. L

    Better than knocking on a sound-proof door...

    a black hole starts, sucks everything in and turns the earth into a big ball of peanut butter.
  3. L

    herpies outbreak

    Surely at least this would protect you head from whatever's on the mat no?
  4. L

    Saddam Hussein sentenced...

    Prison same as now, before that all sorts of ways of killing were used for treason up to the mid 1700s Burning at stake for women* and Hanging drawing and quartering for men. By the way Blair is sworn to the Crown not the People or the State. Did you think this was a democracy or something...
  5. L

    The World Cup

    the 'World' Series makes a mockery of the game, if the US refuses to open it up to external competition, then it should change the name.
  6. L

    Your dream job...?!

    hehe ok, when i've got my company, about a lot of years from now
  7. L

    Hillary Clinton is going to visit my school

    why did you up this one?
  8. L

    Girl bags first deer

    I'm glad I was never put on YouTube when I was ten years old for thousands of adults to pick over my every word, because I said LOTS of stupid stuff. Yeah, it wasn't a very mature thing to say. Tweens do that a lot. But tweens will sometimes say all sorts of dumb things about all sorts of...
  9. L

    Women in the Infantry

    I don't know if anyone has posted this yet, but PFC Monica Lin Brown, Silver Star recipient: Sgt. Leigh Ann Hester, Silver Star recipient: We already have women serving in the infantry. We just have ways of calling them things besides infantry in order to keep them there: translators...
  10. L

    Winter is Coming

    I didn't notice much of importance that got cut? Been a while since I read the first few books though admittedly and Dany's chapters weren't favourites of mine.
  11. L

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    Oh, those sneaky bastards! Doesn't HRT make an appearance in the sports forum?
  12. L

    Documentary shows London Rabbi Covering up Child Abuse

    i was actually just renaming this.
  13. L

    Cool story...............

    brat boy i see some nip in that, id delete if i were you
  14. L

    So I went to Las Vegas this weekend...

    ...and didn't have to beat up anybody! Now how can you people say that Shou Shu-ists are too violent? Of course the "click, click" guys get me a bit jumpy but I kept myself under control and didn't snap any necks! So, has anyone else made a non-violent Vegas trip?
  15. L

    So how would you want to die?

    In my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car.
  16. L

    Oh My God ... Spider accomplishment from arachnophobic bitch.

    holy shit. From now on I'm killing every spider is see cause that shit is not happening to me.
  17. L

    What's your favorite section besides polls and surveys?

    football american, baseball & local business Phuket