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    Cat Rescued After Being Frozen in Trough

    I don't know who you mean Martial what?
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    Osama Bin Laden Shot Dead!!!

    I thought Mei came down with a sever case of bullshidolitus. But my prognosis was wrong... it happens.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Pretend it didn't happen and fart on the poopy pile when no one is looking, just to add that nice fresh aroma of poopiness.
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    Hallmark Ad?

    Z33 3nd 15 N34r Run!
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    Dont you just love it

    Generally I just tell them that while I sympathise with their position (since I've worked as a telemarketer and know how it can feel to have abuse screamed at you when you're just trying to earn an honest wage doing the only job that'll take you) I'm not interested, as I'm currently in massive...
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    I broke my hand

    Don't fap that hard next time?
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    US embassies attacked

    So whats our true nature then? We are evolved primates, with a frontal lobe that's to small and adrenaline glands that are to big. We bare many marks of our lowly origin, but we have also shown with our intelligence, creativity and a lot of other things that we rise above. But at the end of the...
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    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    best comedy thread evah!!!
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    Latest Bigfoot Footage...

    Damn it... You know me too well... Time to deflect your attention else where... Oooooh, look over there... CAKE!
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    Lolo Jones

    For all I know she mentioned it in an interview somewhere. I just don't get why anyone cares about things like that. So she's a virgin. Yay.
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    T3H T1M1NAT0R! I present you..

    don't tell him he'll be mad
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    Parents sorrow at shooting of 11-year-old

    I think complusory National Service 3-5yrs would be a good start! It works in Russia
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    Including professional athletes in boxing, muay thai etc:?
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    Happy 41st Birthday Yoda

    Happy B-Day, Are you old enough to buy beer now?
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    Cybernation V5.0

    i bought the white house,playboy mansion,and wal mart
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    How smart is you?

    I enjoyed that! Maybe I even got it right hehe Rgds, David
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    Return of the King

    Just came back from watching it and it's bloody fantastic!!! Even better than i thought it was going to be. The battle scenes were great, I want a sword to go killing orcs.... I'm a fan of the books and although there were some differences, on the whole the film is everything I'd hoped for...
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    What is longest word on cell phone

    keyboards ftw