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  1. G

    you can bet your ares that the EDL?

    Muslim no go areas are now Official. Enforced by the Met. The bastards get their own way again.! UKIP ? WHO ELSE WILL STOP THE ROT ?
  2. G

    Do you like the person above you?

    of course
  3. G

    If I Did It- O.J Simpson

    Now i have a list of 2 people i extremely dislike, and would like to see a trained sniper take out. OJ Simpson and Fred Phelps.
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    I have a shelf full of shot glasses and shell casings, and a drawer full of knives. wowzer^
  5. G

    Ban the last poster before you post

    Banning duck for the hell of it.
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    ruled by religion

    I'll avoid tempting an argument of concluded views however I do have simply an opinion, which may be coincidental among some academics and researchers. The strict religions themselves would, anthropologically speaking have arisen as historical political systems. Politics by organised, cultural...
  7. G

    The Most Important Question of All Time.

    energy drink but in this case pepsi maybe coke i like both but pepsi more.
  8. G


    Nah. One thing that has ruined working mastiffs is a quest for more size. Above a certain size (especially height and weight ratio) dogs lose functionality.
  9. G

    damn this fucking sucks

    How can you cook, ain't got no arms!
  10. G

    If jesus was real, and he was....

    /Joe Dirt
  11. G

    Quick Poll.

    If its not Americanized, its not really even worth eating. That is, unless you're a left wing commie.
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    Sandwich Greatness

    Cheese = bad Mayo = bad Cheese + Mayo = terrible gtfo ass
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    Movie Pants!

    9 1/2 pants Dirty Pants (aka Dirty Dancing) - I like that one
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    What do you guys think about this??

    your gf will have broken up with you by then
  15. G

    Should women fight on the frontline?

    Other's who have military experience have also posted saying it'd work fine though
  16. G

    fave band

    The Flaming Lips! V.V
  17. G

    Pig milk for human consumption... why or why not?

    Please... Moobs or Moobies.. none of this man-breast nonsense.. I'd arguable let you off with "hairy man jubblies" but its pushing it.
  18. G

    Which is worse?

    The Shake Weight is another carry over from the whole vibration platform nonsense. You're obviously not going to get the amatuer bodybuilder physiques of those clowns by using that bit of kit. lol. But... I bet they sell millions of units to late night people in the western world who are...
  19. G

    This cant be right.

    There, fixed it. Both cases are so wrong...whether minor or adult.
  20. G

    most users record

    does anyone else have a desire to break that 'most users online' record from last july? its only 320, with over 4000 members it shouldn't be hard to arrange. we could all arrange to log on at some pre-determined time in order to smash that measly record. good idea? bad idea? am i alone in...