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  1. B

    Looking to make Japanese/Chinese friends...

    Hi i am looking to make Japanese/Chinese friends as i love the people, history and Culture of both countries and i am hoping to move to one of them to work and live there. I am looking to make new friends and meet new people... I would love to hear from you if you are looking to make a new...
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    if you could

    rosie o donnel and hillary clinton
  3. B

    I hate the food in my house!

    Same here. Everything we have here is healthy shit. Everyone in my family is overweight but I don't eat that much unhealthy stuff at all.
  4. B

    Spain mocks slanty eyes

    haha :tup:
  5. B

    who is this?

    I want your vice...
  6. B

    X-Men Round Up

    Some might say that. They're wrong. And the 'superpower' part of being a superhero is what makes a superhero 'super'. He doesn't have super powers, he's not a superhero.
  7. B

    put down again

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  9. B

    Soldier murdered in London

    It's always the other side, isn't it. If you want to drape a union flag around your naked torso and spend your Saturday afternoons screaming obscenities at asian children, that's your prerogative, but stop pretending that the EDL do anything more high brow than that.
  10. B

    Rehouse my kitty!

    Nice idea mate I'll start looking it it edit: You too Frodo
  11. B

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" There are more licensed arms dealers in the USA than there are McDonald's. I don't see any stigma.
  12. B

    Fiscal cliff ...

    Alright start working some overtime then!
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    Absent MAP members

    I think that was implied in the statement ? didn't really need spelling out.
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    Aliens or Ghosts?

    put all the shit ppl talk about in your sig also
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    fat dog

  16. B

    "Levels of rape"

    "Levels of rape" The age difference is what is important. It's quite normal for teenagers from 13 all the way up to 18 and maybe older to hang out together. It's not especially normal for a 15 year old girl to seek the attention of a 30 year old man and vice versa. The 17 year old boy isn't...
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    Drunk driver jailed for 43 years for killing family

    . this happened to my friends uncle. he got hit by a drunk driver and his son and wife died. the guy who did it just had to serve time so my friends uncle went to prison too and lifepwned him.
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    Re-starting life at 22.

    This thread was written after a particularly bad day yesterday. I spent two hours of my day sat in a clinic waiting for my results testing me for HIV, Hep C, and a plethora of STDs after waiting a week for them, because I was working the doors of a bar in Huddersfield a week ago and was bitten...
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    Quitting the internet

    You left out free porn...
  20. B

    Do people acually live in...
