
  1. T

    Gene Test Estimates 5yr Risk Of Recurrence For Breast Cancer Patients, Says Studies

    Positive Results from Two Studies of the PAM50-Based In Vitro Diagnostic Assay will be Presented at the Annual IMPAKT Breast Cancer Conference NanoString Technologies, Inc., a privately held provider of life science tools for translational research and molecular diagnostic products, today...
  2. I

    80% of 5yr olds solved It,but only 5% of college students Figured it out.can u

    solve this riddle? The word has 7 letters. it's greater than god, more evil than the devil, all poor people have it, all rich people need it, and if you eat it you will die. what is it?
  3. P

    I have a son in law who is an industrial engineer (5yr degree) and he makes 170K?

    a year way more than my son that's a cop. No sh!t. That's why I wanted my son the cop to go to college. He risks his life every single day for 90k.. Do you think it's worth 90k to risk your life every time you go to work?? Politics is for the birds
  4. B

    My 5yr old Dog (20 characters)?

    My dog is a Basset Fauve De Bretange and over the years he has gotten REALLY fat. One reason is he cant be let off the lead 2 we usually dont have time to walk him 3 he grabs food of the counter like a few weeks ago he ate a whole roast chicken...I usually jog him round the garden but that isnt...
  5. D

    5Yr Relationship falling apart.?

    Hi, Need some advice, Hope you are sitting down, Me and my partner have been together for 5 years now and over the last few months things have got a little sour. We have a house together and we "were" engaged. A little over a month ago I found out that my partner had been talking to one of my...
  6. T

    Whats the best pet for a 5yr old?

    We have fish already but would like something furry. Hamster, Guinea pig, Rat or something maybe. It must be an indoor animal so no rabbits! Also are any particularly smelly? Remember its for a 5yr old. Thanks
  7. T

    How hard is it to take a 5yr old and 3yr old on a road trip?

    Mom of 8 Irish gals made me thing about this...thanks :) I am going to N.C in July for my brother's wedding and I live right outside of Chicago...I was wondering if it will be hell driving down there with my kids...we went to Indy this weekend to see my brothers and the drive was fine with them...