
  1. H

    What is this CSD option ($9.99) on my T-Mobile bill!!!?

    was looking on my bill and 2 of my numbers have this monthly recurring charge of a csd option that is $9.99! What is this thing? How am I getting charged by this? We recently renewed out plan to less minutes but the price is the same because of this......T-Mobile's customer service couldn't...
  2. F

    Does anybody know if the palm pixi from verizon will ever change to a $9.99...

    ...internet plan? I went to the verizon store, my contract wasn't up but i get a new phone about every 3 months because im bored with what i have. So anyways while my dad was signing in i was looking at the palm pixi. i love everything about it exept i don't want the $29.99 internet plan...
  3. J

    Verizon minimum data plan $9.99?

    I'm planning to get a samsung reality and it requires minimum data plan of 9.99? do i get unlimited internet use? if not, about how much can i use? and what else can i do with data plan? explain with lots of details please :D
  4. J

    If im paying $9.99 a month for my enVtouch and i buy a blackberry storm on...

    ...ebay would i have to pay $29.99? if i activate my blackberry storm on the verizonwireless website would i have to pay the new PDA/smartphone data usage plan which is 30 bucks month? or just activate the black berry and use $9.99 a month data usage
  5. C

    How come verizon requires you to purchase a minimum $9.99 data plan for some of

    their phones? I have the Env3 right now and i'm going to get rid of it because its such a glitchy phone, if i buy a phone over ebay? or something will i be required to do the $9.99 data plan?
  6. F

    Verizon Chocolate Touch $9.99 data plan?

    Can someone set this straight for me? What does the $9.99 data plan entail? I know you have a 25mb allowance but what does that mean? Does surfing the internet eat up data? Or is data used when downloading, sending email, updating social networking pages, etc? Please help!
  7. F

    Verizon Chocolate Touch $9.99 data plan?

    Can someone set this straight for me? What does the $9.99 data plan entail? I know you have a 25mb allowance but what does that mean? Does surfing the internet eat up data? Or is data used when downloading, sending email, updating social networking pages, etc? Please help!
  8. M

    Best Verizon phone with a QWERTY keyboard and at most a $9.99 data plan?

    I like the Alias 2, LG Chocolate Touch, LG enV Touch, and the Samsung Rogue. And I most likely won't get a new phone for a few months (when my current plan expires) so will there be any new phones coming out soon that are cheap? Try to keep it under $100 please. And it would be cool to have a...
  9. R

    LG env3 $9.99 a month data package... what can i do with it?

    I recently bought the LG env3 from verizon, and they required me to have a data package for $9.99 a month. I am curious as to what I can actually do with this package as far as going on the internet.
  10. J

    Can I use any wireless router if I add the $9.99 wifi hotspot calling to my

    T-mobile plan? Do I have to have a router from T-Mobile to use the wifi calling feature, or can I use my Linksys router?
  11. M

    Optoma HD20: A 1080p front projector for $999

    [No message]
  12. 1

    How do I get ringtones that don't cost $9.99 a month?

    try myxer.com