
  1. A

    Adrian Peterson says about his incredible ACL recovery, ?I understand I put the bar h

    Before Adrian Peterson, taking a year to come back from ACL surgery was OK. Needing an extra year to return to normal off an ACL injury was standard. Again, that was before Peterson. Now people just figure Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III will be back by the regular season. Chicago Bulls...
  2. V

    Lou Williams Torn ACL – Out for Season

    [No message]
  3. A

    Robert Griffin III suffered a torn LCL, possible torn ACL, could be in for lengthy re

    The knee injury suffered -- and re-suffered -- by Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III against the Seattle Seahawks in Sunday afternoon's wild-card loss could very well be serious enough to keep the star player out for a significant period of time. As reported by the Washington...
  4. T

    Physical Therapy, Not A Knee Brace, Aids In ACL Recovery

    Wearing a knee brace following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery has no effect on a person's recovery. However, strength, range-of- motion, and functionality exercises provide significant benefits, and other new therapies may show promise. In a new literature review recently published...
  5. V

    Derrick Rose Suffers Torn ACL

    Derrick Rose and the Chicago Bulls had homecourt advantage throughout the 2012 NBA Playoffs. They appeared to have a good chance of winning a championship. However, all those hopes and dreams came crashing down to earth on Saturday when Derrick Rose suffered a torn ACL. Due to the torn ACL...
  6. V

    Iman Shumpert Injury Update – Torn ACL

    Earlier in the day, Derrick Rose suffered a torn ACL. Iman Shumpert, a rookie guard for the New York Knicks, unfortunately followed in Rose’s footsteps later on Saturday. Shumpert tore his ACL in Game 1 between the Knicks and the Miami Heat. The Knicks, who will be without Shumpert for the...
  7. L

    DS:Dog with ACL injury(20 characters)?

    My dog was diagnosed yesterday with ACL injury,and we are currently doing a conventional treatment(crate rest,anti-inflammatory,and pain meds)I am doing this at the advice of my vet but I know its not a long term fix,I am having a very hard time keeping my little guy calm and quiet,when I take...
  8. A

    Stanford forward perseveres despite three ACL tears in 18 months

    When Stanford forward Andy Brown tore his left ACL on an awkward layup attempt midway through his senior year of high school, he viewed it as a temporary setback he could easily overcome. When he suffered the same injury going for a rebound the first day of practice the following season at...
  9. K

    Please help me solve the riddle to this ACl scenario.?

    I want a access list which will permit smtp traffic sourced from host port 8080 destined to host could i do that? I talked to my cisco friend they say the following acl should apply... access-list 101 permit tcp eq 8080 eq...
  10. D

    Who is the wide received, I think for the Chargers, who tore his ACL his...

    ...rookie season in a pro bowl event? I think it was some rookie vs sophomore game and he had a really solid rookie season. It was between 1998 and 2005 I'd say. He has never really played since.
  11. L

    acl injury question?

    Im 13 and heres the deal. So i tore my acl about a week ago in football and i had an MRI and my doctor told me i have a complete acl tear. but he said he doesnt want to do surgery on me because of my growth plates and he said if he did surgery it would mess them up. He said ill need to wait for...
  12. B

    can you do karate/judo with a torn ACL?

    i was just wandering if someone who had a torn ACL would be able to do karate/judo?
  13. M

    My dog had surgery to repair his ACL, today...What can I expect...Is his

    whining this much, ok? My dog went in today to have surgery to repair his torn ACL. They did the surgery around 9 or 10 am. and they had us pick him up around 5:15 pm., so he didn't stay overnight. I'm having a lady who rehabilitates dogs with torn ACL's, write me a full schedule on how to...
  14. C

    My dog tore his acl 6 months ago now he is loseing weight really fast. What could...

    Don't waste time asking people on this site. Take your dog to the vet!!!
  15. K

    ACL tear recovery anyone know recovery time ?????????

    okay i tore my ACL tuesday night at gymnastics practice and i am gonna have to have surgery..i am having it hopefully in the next weeek or so . i was wondering if any one knew if i will have to be on crutches for my prom which will be april 25 ??????
  16. M

    my husband had acl & miniscus surgery this past wednesday.?

    He is in this machine that works it up and down. he is at 90% range of motion, but has some swelling around the ankle. It is not discolored, is this normal? He is getting up and abot with the knee immobiler here and there (to use the bathroom, stretch, etc. the knee is elevated. he sees the...
  17. R

    Why would a doctor choose arthroscopic ACL donor (allograft) knee surgery over...

    ...graft surgery? Initial injury in October 2008. Found out yesterday b/c of misdiagnoses that I completely blew my ACL. Need reconstructive surgery. Doctor said we need donor my size (6'1" /265lbs) and that body built, b/c my legs are so muscular...Said I would be 100% again (all I cared...