actor or actress

  1. D

    Who is your favorite Hollywood actor/actress and why?

    looks? charisma? beliefs? what?
  2. F

    Poll: who is your favorite Actor/Actress?

    I love Amy Adams and Cate Blanchett and Kira Knightley. Actors I love Leo DIcaprio, Christian Bale, Ed Norton, Robert Downy JR try to base this on acting and not hotness
  3. Ð

    Who is your favorite Hollywood actor/actress and WHY?

    Clint Eastwood is also one of my favorites, but I'll leave this question up to the voters.
  4. A

    who is your favorite actor/actress past or present?

    Can be from any movie time point.
  5. A

    If you were an famous hollywood actor/actress would you...?

    Lose/gain weight for a movie role? Not little gain or loss but extreme Like Renee in Bridget Jones diary and Christian Bale in The machinist? If so why, if not why not? I wouldn't coz even if acting was my job I would NEVER put my health at risk and increase the chances of getting stretch...
  6. J

    worst hollywood actor/actress ?

    who are one of the worst hollywood famous actors/actress ? oh and please state a reason, that would be helpful <3 oh and how do i become a great famous hollywood actress? tips, ideas, opinions no mean comments :(
  7. S

    Anime Quiz #4 What voice actor/actress voiced this anime character?

    Could you find out about the voice actors/actress who does these anime characters voices? Get 10 out of 15 answers right or most of them right to be able to get chosen as best answer. I hope I did not put the same voice actor/actress twice for the anime character. This might be a little hard and...
  8. M

    survey:: actor/actress quiz?

    best actor: best actress: fav actor: fav actress: actor/actress you want to be: actor/actress u want to hit: actor with the best style: actress with the best style: actor/actress crush: actor u cld ttly hang with: actress u cld ttly hang with: actor/actress u cld talk to for hours: actor/actress...
  9. H

    Was it easier to become a famous actor/actress in the Old-Hollywood era? What

    are your opinions? I know how EXTREMELY hard it is today to become a working actor in hollywood but what about back in the Marilyn-Monroe and Frank-Sinatra days of hollywood? because today you have to have loads of experience to even get an agent when Ava Gardener got an agent simply by being...
  10. G

    Which Celebrity is favorite as a voice actor/actress?

    I mean celebrity as in the ones who were famous for mainly their popular tv show or music or something.
  11. C

    Do you know anybody that looks like a famous actor/actress, or any other celebrity?

    I've been told that my dad looks like Jake Gyllenhaal or one of the guys from Friends (but I don't really believe that). My friend looks like Freida Pinto, from Slumdog Millionaire. Another friend of mine looked like Dakota Fanning a few years ago. That's all I can think of right now lol.