
  1. R

    What are the chances of a cell phone provider agreeing to ping your cell phone?

    Assuming that you give the serial number of the phone or the phone number, and that the account holder agrees? Asking since I lost my phone and I don't feel like being an idiot when I call T-Mobile and having them just outright rejecting the idea.
  2. A

    Margo borrows $500, agreeing to pay it back with 2% annual interest after 11

    months. How much interest will sh? Margo borrows $500, agreeing to pay it back with 2% annual interest after 11 months. How much interest will she pay?
  3. U

    muslim why am i not agreeing the meaning of salaam greeting is peace?

    islam according to me means save not peace. peace indicate to antonim of war or chaous. save is very right meaning close to save in this world and hereafter. save from fitnaah dunnya and adzaab qubur, and hell. so should we stop now to interpret salaam, wassalam, islam as peace? i say the...