
  1. A

    American Apparel ‘Transexy!’ Open Call For Transgender Models Misses The Mark

    It’s no secret that transgender people are often censored and excluded from mainstream media. Trans* men and women are profoundly underrepresented, and when they*are*placed in ads or television or film, they’re either highly sexualized, sensationalized or the butt of a joke. This is not okay and...
  2. T

    What are the consumer trends for womenswear apparel?

    More specific to the older age groups ~40-65+ (late generation X and early baby boomers)
  3. P

    What machines are used to make Dirt bike Apparel?

    Im doing some research on Dirt Bike Apparel such as Motocross Jersey's, Pants, gloves and socks. Im interested in the material there made of. Im more interested if there made from a certain type of machine sense the product is mass produced. If so, Can i have a few examples of what type of...
  4. A

    Apparel company dumps Mendenhall over bin Laden tweets

    The backlash to Rashard Mendenhall's Osama bin Laden tweets has gotten a little more real. Mendenhall, Pittsburgh Steelers running back and guy who probably doesn't like Twitter anymore, has been let go as a spokesman for Champion. Here's the statement released by the company: Champion is a...
  5. M

    Why is american fashion & apparel so weak in all of europe and other countries?

    Okay, america has plenty of good fashion, apparel, shoes, perfume, jewelry,and all that stuff thats sells. HOWEVER, EUROPEAN COUNTRIES OF ALL do not buy american fashion nor does any country and european fashion of all types is much more popular aroubnd the world. HENCE, WHY IS AMERICAN FASHION...
  6. L

    Starting Apparel Marketplaces such as America's MART AND magic?

    Okay, im doing research, and i wanted to find out what it takes to start a fashion marketplace, such as the wide ranged ones like MAGIC or AmericasMart. I need to know the business aspect of the incorporation of such a large scale thing. Starting fromt he beginning stages of how to start al the...
  7. S

    Is American Apparel supposed to look so daggy? Or is it a joke?

    I've seen the adds EVERYWHERE on the net. You know the ones, Homely looking girls in revolting 80's reject-I-live-in-a-charity-bin, type clothes. So are they serious adds or are they 'taking the piss'?
  8. B

    What do you think of this apparel?
  9. Y

    Is American Apparel out of fashion yet?

    They just opened one in UK where I live. I used to shop there in the US, It was IN two years ago. Now I avoid it. I just hate the pretension that comes with it y'know? Even the shop assistants used to give me attitude. And now the exact same type of people work in the UK one! I claim it out...
  10. M

    Was Charles Lewis Jr., the founder of MMA Tapout apparel, also a fighter?

    UFC fighter or MMA fighter?
  11. M

    Own The Biggest Brand in the MMA Apparel Industry?

    I want to buy a clothing company, what is the best site to find ads like this one? This was found on a non-buizbuysell site. Own The Biggest Brand in the MMA Apparel Industry. With 10 powerful years in the fastest growing sport in America, The Pimpit Fight Team (PFT) has been a major part of...