I'm a 5'4 female about 135lbs and I'm 17. I have almost no experience riding motorcycles and was looking into getting a ninja 250 but someone at my school has the same bike. yes, I'm a teenager and want to have an original, cool and fun ride. Any other suggestions for cool looking bikes that I...
I have a 1996 yamaha FZR 600. The bike only has 6,400 miles on it. All stock and runs like a dream. I added some decals but nothing to major. The color is the original red, white and blue with some orange. Very pretty bike. Now the bad news. I was cut off on the freeway and lost it. I'm alive...
Im 16 and trying to buy my first sport bike while it may not be a legit sports bike its 250cc its called a MC_D250RTC on scooterdepot.us is it worth the 2000$
My 11year old son was hit by a car a week ago and broke his leg in two parts. He was on is bike on the pavement and fell into the road when the car hit him. The police said the will not take any act. Is they anyting a can do or not
I forgot to put my bike away and left it outside the house overnight (stupid, I know)
This morning, of course, it's gone
Is this something to go to the police about or do I just accept that it's gone (probably to the nasty scrap metal men)
I have a fixie bike, but i want to transform it into a road bike, i already removed the fixed sprocket and installed a single gear so that i can coast. But is it possible to install multiple gears on my bike providing it only had a cable slot for the rear break cable and had none for the...
I have never ridden a motorcycle in my life and I do plan on going to a class to learn how. The first motorcycle I am getting is probably a sport bike because I have always wanted one. I want to know how difficult it is to ride one? If it is hard, then which kind of sport bike would be easier to...
It's a gpz500s and it has a viper race exhaust on it now and it isn't quite the same as it was with the old exhaust, one I hit high revs it boggs down slightly almost like there isn't enough petrol going through or the carbs are blocked
Do I need bigger jets? If so what would I buy/ search for...
Best gear to find for petite women like me? I'm 5'4" almost 5'5" and evenly portioned. Looking for everything; helmet, gloves, jacket, & pants. Not many bike shops around here, I think we only have Honda and Davidson last time I checked. I'm into sleek looks mostly or basically like...
Im making a custom bike and trying to make a bike looking more hightech, i know the spokes are nessesary but is there any company that sells ones that are designed with out them?
Hi guys,
Please help me to select Yamaha FAZER or Pulsur 200ns
I like both bike. But I heard that bajaj bike has huge maintenance. there is no life time use.
and Please send me both bike actual mileage in heavy traffic city with actual prise in Mumbai(western area).
Please suggest me............
I'm a 15 year old girl (virgin) who rides my bicycle for 45 minutes everyday from about a year. Sometimes my vagina hurts or the thighs near it, but i don't know if i bled. As far as i know, i don't remember bleeding after riding my bike. I have fallen off my bike around 3-4 times. I'm scared...
Just a random poll. Personally, I believe that sports cars represent wealth and sports bikes represent daring and bravery? (Not to say that a biker can't be Rich or a sports car driving guy can't be brave)