
  1. P

    i have applied for Bsc Nutrition,Universities have asked me to bring a

    portfolio ?any ideas for that? it could be an essay or a piece of work.i am studying Access to Health and Human Sciences course at college.
  2. B

    I have been accepted onto a Bsc in Human Nutrition degree, but i don't have A

    levels in Biology. Need advice? I phoned the University and told them my situation, they then handed me over to 1 of the lecturers of the Human Nutrition Degree and she spoke to me for about 10 minutes on why i wanted to study Nutrition etc, and i told her i didn't have A levels in Biology and...
  3. B

    I have been accepted onto a Bsc in Human Nutrition degree, but i don't have

    A levels in Biology. Need advice? I phoned the University and told them my situation, they then handed me over to 1 of the lecturers of the Human Nutrition Degree and she spoke to me for about 10 minutes on why i wanted to study Nutrition etc, and i told her i didn't have A levels in Biology and...
  4. C

    I wonder if anyone else is in the same boat? I have 2 BSc's and wonder what letters

    go after my name? Just for official purposes really, not for business cards, e-mails, etc...
  5. H

    Can anybody please tell me will i have a good future if I'm gonna study B.Sc.... Physics? What kind of Jobs can i get if i study that course ??? and Advice me some good courses which i can do except Engineering ??? Advice me some good courses whose importance comes after Engineering because i know Engineering is on the top and i cant do that because i've been there and...
  6. M

    Which is more better to join MD in future? Biomedical Engineering or BSc in Biology?

    pleasee give me d best idea, i wish to join MD later, for that which one shall i use, bsc in biomedical engineering or bsc in biology? Thank you.
  7. K

    Reasons for choosing BSc Internet Software Development as a University course?

    A friend of mine asked me for help with writing a 'personal statement'. He's applying for Internet Computing/Software Development in a UK University. He should write about: Why should he choose this over any other course? What are the personal qualities that may be relevant to this course? I...