
  1. J

    Is it ok for celibate gay Christians to wear a rainbow necklace or bracelet?

    Do you think it's okay for a celibate gay Christian to wear a rainbow necklace or bracelet in order to identify themselves as gay? I'm not ashamed to be a gay man and I want other people to know that I'm a homosexual without actually crossing the line with my religious beliefs.
  2. M

    Are homosexuals required to be celibate in Judaism?

    I wish to convert to Judaism, but the prerequisite is to commit to keep all of the Jewish law (the 613 mitzvot, I believe). However, I identify as a lesbian, and as this would be considered sexual immorality, this would go against the Jewish law. Does this mean I would have to be celibate? By...
  3. A

    Poll: How Celibate Is Your Marriage or Relationship?

    photo: Thinkstock Seems like we hit a delicate nerve with our recent post Celibacy In Marriage: Pros and Cons, which featured expert sex and relationship advice from well-known psychotherapist Dr. Robi Ludwig. Hundreds of readers have commented on our celibacy posts, which likely means that...
  4. H

    Why are Catholic priests celibate?

    The bible says nothing about being celibate, it only is against pre-martial sex. The first popes had wives and children, too. Last I heard, they were told to be celibate because, if they had kids, their possessions would go to their kids, not the Church, and the Church wanted their stuff after...
  5. K

    I am a celibate lesbian and want to find a partner?

    I have chosen celibacy because of my faith in God. I am wanting to find a life partner that is also interested in celibacy and chooses that because of God. Does anyone know how I could go about finding someone that fits this? I appreciate all responses. Thanks.
  6. G

    Die you obsolete nogood socially maladjusted celibate commie fascist dork!

    ... obviously, we're talking about emacs ... Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  7. A

    dammit ur celibate poll: does this mean no riding in the back seat of my caddy?

    this sorta puts a damper on things...