christians or catholics

  1. T

    Christians/catholics: why am i afraid of god?

    I was raised catholic, but I'm sort of scared of the whole concept of god. I keep thinking that he hates me or something. When I think of god I feel like every action I make, thought I have, and thing I say will be judged, and I will be harshly punished for my sins. I want to be able to be...
  2. I

    Christians/Catholics: How easily would you forgive your pastor/priest after...

    ...they've been caught fondling kids? Would you be quick to forgive them because they're "holy" men Or would you be disgusted and repulsed by them just like you are with every other child molester? Thanks, but not thanks Alex. Its not me being unable to forgive. I just choose not to.
  3. W

    why do christians/catholics hate homos?

    perhaps that would a bit of a hasty generalization, but doesn't god want people to be happy?