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    NICE Consults On Commonly Used Expensive Drugs For Leukaemia

    In new draft guidance, published today, NICE has not been able to recommend dasatinib, high-dose imatinib or nilotinib for the treatment of CML (chronic myeloid leukaemia) that is resistant to standard-dose imatinib. In response to the draft guidance Andrew Dillon, Chief Executive at NICE, said...
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    NICE Consults On Use Of Scanner That Helps Improve Burns Treatment

    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has opened its consultation on the use a scanner that can help improve how burns are treated. The draft guidance from the new NICE medical technologies programme provisionally supports the use of moorLDI2-BI, a blood flow imaging...
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    NICE Consults On Draft Guideline On Food Allergies In Children

    NICE has opened the consultation on its draft clinical guideline on the diagnosis and assessment of food allergies in children and young people. Its aim is to support GPs and other health professionals in primary care and community settings in recognising the signs and symptoms of food allergy...
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    NICE Consults On Draft Recommendations For Psychosis With Co-Existing Substance Misus

    NICE is currently developing a clinical guideline on the assessment and management of psychosis with co-existing substance misuse in adults and young people. As part of this process, draft recommendations have been published on the NICE website for public consultation. Psychosis is used to...
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    Minister Brady Consults With Older People In The Midlands, Ireland

    The Minister for Older People and Health Promotion Aine Brady TD met with over 130 older people, service providers and personnel from voluntary and community bodies working with older people in the Midlands. The public consultation, held at the Radisson Hotel, Athlone, was the last in a series...
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    NICE Consults On New Quality Standards

    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has launched a consultation on its draft quality standards for the treatment of dementia and stroke; once published the new standards will represent a benchmark to inform aspirations for high quality care across the NHS. More...