
  1. T

    We will Adjust contrast on symbian?

    Is there any app to adjust the contrast of screen for symbian devices?
  2. J

    In "Oedipus Rex," discuss the contrast between Oedipus's and Creons attitudes...

    In "Oedipus Rex," discuss the contrast between Oedipus's and Creons attitudes... ...toward the people? If you can answer this that'd be awesome...Don't have the textbook with the story in it.
  3. A

    Interesting Compare and Contrast essay topics?

    I have to do a compare and contrast essay for english but I'm stuck on what I should write about. I was thinking of comparing both of my cultures because I'm mixed but idk. The topics have to be relatable in some way not like comparing an apple and horse together, like theres nothing in common...
  4. J

    How does the characters in Mr Bean's Holiday contrast to create humour?

    I need your help urgently!!! I am doing a school essay and it is due in two weeks. Please help. Any suggestions would be nice.
  5. S

    Please help me ):

    I'm trying to write a compare and contrast essay, and I am having an extremely hard time. Can someone please help me?! The topic is narrative fiction vs. science fiction.
  6. J

    Any Interesting compare and contrast topics?

    This is for an essay i have to do in composition. I need some good ideas that i can get 3 solid reasons to compare and contrast from. thanks :)
  7. E

    True or false? A contrast between two things is a kind of analogy?

    Why is it true or false?
  8. T

    interesting topic ideas for compare and contrast college essay?!?

    i'm in an english composition course for my first year of college and we have to do a compare and contrast essay and im stuck trying to think of topic ideas. everything i think of doesnt seem sufficient -___- here's what i've come up with: commuting vs residential life in college the way boys...
  9. S

    How would you guys best compare and contrast the Native American Spiritual

    Traditions and Judaism? My Mother is Jewish so I have a bit of a jewish background. I am really interested in Native American Spiritual Traditions, and I am wondering how they followed similar practices/values to that which I do.
  10. B

    compare and contrast essay formula (introduction)? PLEASE HELP?

    i am writing an essay on similarities and differences of the hebrews vs. Babylonians but i don't know how to write the intro ( the topic is : babylonians use fear (death penalty) as a punishment where the hebrews use morals and their gods judgement. THANKYOUUUU!!!
  11. L

    how to edit the contrast on a samsung WB610 camera?

    well, i know how to get it up. go on the 'p' and click shooting then image or whatver etc. but it comes up with the - and + but i dont know how to move the bar across, from 0 to like 2 or -1 etc. i'm clicking the right buttons, im sure but i really have no idea. theres 3 long bars with a small...
  12. J

    Shift, Alt, Prt Scr Turns screen high contrast but how to change back? :S?

    Hey i told my m8 to do that shortcut and she cant change it back? :S she tryed pressing the same buttons to change it back but it wont change back? she also tryed restarting the computer but it didnt work? Any help please Thaanks
  13. H

    My Iphone 3g has a very bright contrast screen?

    How do I fix my phone its like very bright almost white but its at the point where i can still see the screen properly
  14. R

    About CRT monitor-Does keeping the contrast and brightness low affect my Eyesight?

    About CRT monitor-Does keeping the contrast and brightness low affect my Eyesight?Does keeping the contrast to 40 and brightness to 40 effect my eyesight? I am a computer designer and i work on CRT monitor.. Can someone who has good knowledge about this answer?
  15. B

    Compare and contrast 2 of the 5 world's major religions 20 points?

    can you guys help me out and compare and contrast 2 of the 5 major religion
  16. H

    Freak the Mighty Compare and Contrast Book vs. DVD?

    I have a average in my Reading class but it needs to be raised to a B. One of my assignments is a T-chart versus book and dvd. The next is 5 paragraph essay on the compare and contrast. The next is a frame for this. S.M.G (Save my grades)
  17. C

    Compare and contrast the beliefs (including the treatment of women) of the

    major world religions: Judaism.....? Compare and contrast the beliefs (including the treatment of women) of the major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.
  18. C

    Compare and contrast the beliefs (including the treatment of women) of the

    major world religions: Judaism.....? Compare and contrast the beliefs (including the treatment of women) of the major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.
  19. P

    Compare and Contrast the goals and strategies of the Lincoln,Johnson,and

    congressional plans of Reconstruction? Compare and Contrast the goals and strategies of the Lincoln, Johnson, and congressional plans of Reconstruction.
  20. O

    contrast monotheism Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?

    i need this by i hope u all do this. i need this for a homework assignment.