
  1. A

    why won't my crocodile eat?

    I tried to feed nile crocodile meat and chicken and fish and he still won't eat.starvation he's 7 months old. i even tried hand feeding him please help me i don't want him to die from! don't make fun of me crocodiles can be pets
  2. G

    A Very Cool Ancient Crocodile

    I have never actually seen a snake eat a crocodile or a crocodile eat a snake, but I am pretty sure I've seen a snake planning to eat a Nile Croc. And that was in the geological present. In the geological past, about 60 million years ago (during the "Eocene" a.k.a. "dawn age") there was a...
  3. Z

    What does dreaming about buying crocodile leather products mean?

    I dreamt I was in a really scary shop selling crocodile skin products.
  4. J

    Who would win in a fight Gaara (Naruto) or Crocodile (One Piece)?

    I thought this would be an interesting match-up being that they both manipulate sand...
  5. G

    Crocodile ancestors found in Sahara

    A six-metre croc with three sets of fangs is among the five ancient relatives of modern-day crocodiles found in the Sahara Desert, scientists said Thursday.Three of the fossils, discovered by researchers led by Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago and Hans Larsson of McGill University...
  6. M

    Roald Dahl The Enormous Crocodile | PO²

    Name: Roald Dahl The Enormous Crocodile | PO² Category: Other: Audio Books Size: 41.27MB Added: 2009-09-05 15:06:25
  7. W

    I'm a Celebrity: Can I get pregnant by eating crocodile testicles ...?

    This is bizzare, because not only did paris hilton try this, I am thinking of doing it myself, although I simply can't remember the name for this task.
  8. G

    Would you like to hear a joke about a crocodile?

    A Drover walks into a bar with a pet crocodile by his side. He puts the crocodile up on the bar. He turns to the astonished patrons. 'I'll make you a deal. I'll open this crocodile's mouth and place my manhood inside. Then the croc will close his mouth for one minute. Then he'll open his...
  9. I

    Are these the same "people" who whine & shed crocodile tears over how mean

    Are these the same "people" who whine & shed crocodile tears over how mean Israel is to its civilians? Hamas vermin stole food and blankets donated to the needy of Gaza. Perhaps people should remember that fact the next time they hear a Hamas...