
  1. G

    Man of Steel "Fate of Your Planet" Trailer: General Zod Demands Superman's Surrender

    Man of Steel "Fate of Your Planet" Trailer: General Zod Demands Superman's Surrender The latest trailer for*Man of Steel makes it even more clear as to why Russell Crowe is a*fanboy when it comes to the latest hunk to play Superman,*Henry Cavill. The new...
  2. A

    P.K. Subban signs 2-year deal with Canadiens, forgoing long-term contract demands

    The Montreal Canadiens announced on Monday that they’ve signed restricted free agent P.K. Subban to a 2-year deal, ending a tense faceoff that had sparked rumors of offer sheets and trades involving the young star. In other words: Camp Subban blinked. Subban was looking for a 5-year deal...
  3. G

    Site Accuses Women of Prostitution, Demands Money to Take Their Private Information D

    A site called <Potential Prostitutes allows anyone to anonymously upload any woman's photo and contact information, then publicly accuses them of prostitution. They demand $100 from each woman to take the listing off their site. If that's not extortion, I don't know what is. More »
  4. A

    Tevez demands Mancini apologize for not taking his nonsense

    </p> A couple weeks ago, we did a bit that imagined Carlos Tevez admitting that all the problems he's caused during his time in the Premier League was just one big joke at everyone else's expense. But now I'm not so sure that isn't what he's actually doing. The same day Manchester City...
  5. N

    Partner complaining about my sex demands?

    I've been seeing an older women (she's 20 years older than me) for about a year. We spend time together about once or twice a week. Normally we have quite a lot of sex, say 4 or 5 times over the space of a couple days. But the other week suddenly she was complaining of my demands. She wasn't...
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    Kyle Turris’s contract demands and paying for potential

    After being drafted third overall in 2007, Kyle Turris has tallied more points in the AHL (71 in 86 games) than he has in the NHL (46 in 131). At 22 years old, he remains one of the Phoenix Coyotes' franchise cornerstones, but he's yet to blossom like some of the other players in his draft...
  7. A

    Girlfriend asks a lot of questions and demands answers, argues with me when i...

    ...tell her the truth? Ive been dating my girlfriend for two years, and im really growing tired of her asking me so many questions all the time. If i tell her "I dont know" to just get her off my back, she says "whats wrong?" and if i say nothing, then she tells me im lying, and if i tell her in...
  8. D

    Do logic circuits process output signals into input demands?

    and is the lookup table in the ROM?
  9. G

    Palin demands that Wikileaks director Assange be hunted down and captured or killed

    Or, at least, that's what I assume she means when she asks "Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?" Equating her recent book with the quarter-million or so cables among US embassies and the state department, she is known to have tweeted...
  10. N

    Is it possible for a human being to live in this world and fulfil the demands for...

    ...entry to 'heaven' in the? Bible? I can't see it, unless you manage to remove yourself from society and live your whole life in religious retreat.
  11. T

    Children's Hospital Oakland RNs Authorize Strike, Cite Management Demands To Slash He

    Registered nurses from Children's Hospital Oakland, voted overwhelmingly this week to authorize their nurse negotiators to call a three-day strike if necessary to protest ongoing management efforts to sharply reduce healthcare coverage for nurses and their families. No date has been set for...
  12. T

    Vermont Regulator Demands $3 Million Payback From Insurer

    Burlington Free Press: "Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont overpaid its former chief executive officer by $3 million over an eight-year period and has been ordered to pay the money back to its subscribers by 2012 in the form of reduced premiums, a top state regulator said Wednesday. The...
  13. J

    What were the Mayweather's DEMANDS for the random Olympic-styled drug test

    based on?..Dare to read this? It is not just having my mind made up...It is simply because "I know" what gets under the skin of floyd JUNIOR fans...It's called "The Truth"....The Truth of the events surrounding May 2, 2009....The Truth of what the Mayweather's reactions were (both SR.& JR.)...
  14. J

    What were the Mayweather's DEMANDS for the random Olympic-styled drug test

    based on?..Dare to read this? It is not just having my mind made up...It is simply because "I know" what gets under the skin of floyd JUNIOR fans...It's called "The Truth"....The Truth of the events surrounding May 2, 2009....The Truth of what the Mayweather's reactions were (both SR.& JR.)...
  15. C

    I find the demands for proofs of God interesting. Is it possible that only...

    ...some would have proof by encounter? That is, assume for a moment that there are many Christians who would say, "I know that God exists because I have had an encounter with God." (Indeed, I've met many USA Christians who say they know God from their daily experience.) Now certainly it is...
  16. H

    Iran demands Hollywood apology for disrespect of Iranian flag. Should we give... to them? In 2007, the war epic 300, a smash hit in the United States for its gory portrayal of the Greco-Persian wars, drew the wrath of Iranians for showing their ancestors as bloodthirsty. Similarly The Wrestler, was booed in Iran and heavily criticized for the scene in which the...
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    Future Job Demands For Civil Engineers?

    I'm looking forward in pursuing this career and just wanted a little feedback from some experienced professionals like you guys. Thank You