
  1. L

    the order of the God Eater Manga?

    i know that there are four and i can't find any info about which one to read first so if you know could you please tell me? thank you.
  2. M

    Soul Eater Question Lord death and the kishin asura?

    ok so ADLGSHL I just found out that ( SPOILER ALERT) The Kishin Asura is lord deaths first son. I watched the anime and it didn't say anything about that so is it only in the magna?? I'm guessing the magnas better right??? Thanks
  3. D

    What can a picky eater make when dieting and going to the gym?

    I stopped going to the gym, needless to say I gained weight I didn't want too. I'm getting back to my old self who was always active playing basketball. I want to cut out unnecessary food that I make and am eating now, only problem........ I am a VERY picky eater. I like fruits and nuts but for...
  4. A

    What a bout Eater vacation ?

    I want to visit Egypt in Easter vacation, i found this link to visit Egypt in Easter i need a help, the prices of this link are good or not ?
  5. A

    Soul Eater: What Is Death The Kid's Age?

    In the Anime and Manga.
  6. S

    Need a recipe for Green juice but I am kind of a picky eater?

    I have no access to Kale... and I don't like Lemon or ginger or parsley....
  7. T

    Have you read The Hasheesh Eater: Being Passages from the Life of a Pythagorean? Was

    it a happening? Have you read The Hasheesh Eater: Being Passages from the Life of a Pythagorean? Was it a happening? Will It change my life? Huh? WHAT?! I NEED TO KNOW RIGHT NOW!!! :O
  8. A

    On what episode in soul eater was this?

    On what episode in soul eater can you find these ost? It is called "Butterfly in the still"
  9. T

    Are you a binge eater? so am I...lets chat?

    Looking to talk with anyone who numbs out with food,alcohol or drugs. I'm struggling with binge eating..mostly at night...looking to chat with anyone dealing with the same issue.Feel free to email me
  10. M

    soul eater psp gameeee?

    i know thatt theress a psp gamee butt i dont think that its in english if theres a chance it could be in english plzz tell me and websitee linkk.
  11. M

    Will there be a second soul eater series?? (anime not manga)?

    Although another manga would be quite satisfying too... <3<3
  12. F

    anime like fullmetal alchemist naruto shippuden and soul eater!!?

    alright well ive finished soul eater and fma im still of course watching shippuden but i want another anime so im wondering what some animes are with action and comedy and stuff like that i dont want a really old anime
  13. T

    Where can I download Soul Eater....?

    heres the deal... I am an amv editor and I really want to try to fiddle with Soul eater...and if I have it in an avi wont work >> So I need it for free and in a wmv format. AND WHEN I MEAN FREE I MEAN TOTALLY FREE. XD Not only would you get ten points *or more* you will also get a...
  14. M

    Brand loyalty: The new reason your kid is a picky eater

    [No message]
  15. L

    In the anime Soul Eater, what episode does blair start living with Maka and Soul?

    Please give a detailed description.
  16. J

    where can i find soul eater episodes in english?

    i have a friend who said they where good so i saw some (they are good) but they are impossible to find in english. i need some sites.
  17. M

    where can i buy soul eater evans headband in the philippines?

    you know. the head band thing that soul wears
  18. K

    What is God Eater's story?(PSP Game)?

    What is the story, the entire story of God Eater? I really wanna know!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. G

    God Eater Burst Append Edition JAP PSP-STORMAN

    Category: Console-PSP Size: 977.0 MB Files: 56 (11 pars) Group: .NFO: None Posted: Mon November 29th 05:18:54 UTC Download NZB
  20. C

    Whens the new Eps of Soul eater coming on?

    I know that the manga is still going so that should mean that the show is not over right?