
  1. T

    Discovery Of Genetic Risk For Elevated Arsenic Toxicity

    One of the first large-scale genomic studies conducted in a developing country has discovered genetic variants that elevate the risk for skin lesions in people chronically exposed to arsenic. Genetic changes found near the enzyme for metabolizing the chemical into a less toxic form can...
  2. M

    Elevated ALT (liver) test?

    I'm a 22 year old female and for the past 3ish months my liver function tests have been elevated. At first it was 1-2 points over and they said it was no biggie. Then I had it tested again a month later and it was up by a bit more. They began to monitor it every 6 weeks. I had it done 2 weeks...
  3. X

    What could be the cause of elevated ALT liver enzymes?

    Im 17 years old and i got a blood test done and everything that was tested for came back to be in perfect condition, except one thing, i had slightly elevated ALT liver enzymes. The second blood test my ALT level stayed consistent at 71. What could be the cause of this elevated liver enzyme? I...
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    Older Adults In Home Health Care At Elevated Risk For Unsafe Meds

    Older adults receiving home health care may be taking a drug that is unsafe or ineffective for someone their age. In fact, nearly 40 percent of seniors receiving medical care from a home health agency are taking at least one prescription medication that is considered potentially inappropriate to...
  5. J

    What is the significance of elevated AST and ALT in bloodwork?

    I have spoken with my doctor, and I believe that my slightly elevated AST and ALT is due to beer drinking. Over the past three years, these have become elevated, but not enough to cause much worry. If they continue going up, what does that mean? If the next time I do my bloodwork, my AST is...
  6. D

    Elevated AST/ALT levels?

    I'm 23, caucasian, male - went in for a routine physical 2 months ago. The doctor discovered that my AST/ALT were *slightly* elevated at like the 50/70 range. As such, they asked me to come back in in 2 weeks to re-test. I did, only to find my AST/ALT at the 100/300 range. WAY higher than...
  7. M

    When do we find out which rookies are elevated for this season?

    I'm waiting to find out if Nick Lower makes the cut so that I can cash in on him on supercoach.
  8. D

    If I had my Hep vaccine the day before my lab work-could that have elevated my...

    ...AST/ALT levels? AST - 42 ALT - 81
  9. T

    First Study To Show That Highly Variable Sleep Schedules Predict Elevated Suicide Ris

    Highly variable sleep schedules predict an elevated risk for suicide independent of depression in actively suicidal young adults, according to a research abstract presented Tuesday, June 8, 2010, in San Antonio, Texas, at SLEEP 2010, the 24th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep...
  10. T

    Ketones in urine, slightly elevated glucose?

    I had full blood work done as well as a urinary analysis last time I was at the clinic. I have yet to consult with my GP about the results, wondering if anyone can give me some information. The UA showed ketones, 15 mg/dL. My glucose was 109, which I understand is only slightly over normal...
  11. U

    So I have slightly elevated TSH... but what does that mean? Is my metabolism

    slower, or faster? My TSH was like 0.04 over the limit (high). But what does this mean? Is my thyroid working more than normal? Or less than normal? In which case is my slow thyroid making me fat? What influences thyroid function? How do I get my TSH values down?
  12. M

    Very slightly elevated bilirubin level? Cause for concern?

    Okay, I'm probably being a little over cautious here, but here goes. I'm a 30 y/o male with no health problems. I do, however, have a lot of paranoia about illness, thus I ordered a full blood screen at my last physical. I got the results and everything was normal except my Bilirubin level...