
  1. A

    Quiz: Who was the last Englishman to win a Men's Wimbledon title?

    I repeat Who was the last Englishman to win a Men's Wimbledon title?
  2. A

    Quiz: Who was the last Englishman to win a Men's Wimbledon title?

    I repeat Who was the last Englishman to win a Men's Wimbledon title?
  3. G

    Englishman Slows Speeders by Installing... a Bird Feeder [DIY]

    Driving fast is awesome. Getting tickets sucks. But at the end of the day, probably safer. One Englishman agreed. He noticed that speed cameras are a good deterrent for speeders. Only he didn't need a camera. He used a bird feeder that looks like a camera. More »
  4. C

    Poll: If an englishman calls you RUDE, is that a bad thing?

    I'm American, so odds are good that I'm going to be rude at some point. LOL
  5. S

    Did you know Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen) was an Englishman when you...

    ...first watched Twilight? He doesn't break his accent once..
  6. J

    80's romance movie/ Traveling englishman who falls in love with farm girl in...

    ...early 1900's.? There is turmoil and they plan to run away together. They agree to meet at a certain place and catch a train. They somehow miss one another and the man returns home and the girls is left behind. It is a heart renching ending. I'm sure it was in the mid to late 80's and...
  7. M

    any1 know any good scttishman irishman and englishman jokes?

    i have some myself there was an irishman a scottishman and an englishman and their car broke down in the desert the EM took a water bottle the SM took an umbrella and the IM took the door of the car.. they got to a camle selller and the seller said to the EM y have u got a bottle of watter and...
  8. I

    joke: What did the Irish man say to the Englishman in the morning?

    GOOD MORNING. ---> what else would he say!? Now, if this joke made you laugh, could you just tell me and give me a star? Also, if you found this joke SO dumb that you regret even opening this question, could you also give me a star and just write a few words explaining your feelings?? Thanks