
  1. T

    Please justify your faith in Christ by explaining the following...?

    Before I start, I should ask a favor: please don't tell me I'm going to hell, or that we can't know, because God's ways are above our ways, or that I would understand if I were a Christian, etc. Just don't waste your time. And above all else, please do NOT use the Bible to support your view on...
  2. E

    How would I go about explaining why two books fit a single theme in an essay?

    I need to write an essay for english class explaining how a theme fits two books/movies(i chose two books). I'm not sure how to go about that. I can explain how one book fits a theme just fine, but I'm not sure about two books... In the intro should should I give 3 reasons(then I'd find 3...
  3. T

    Explaining The Diversity Of Leg Shapes In The Animal Kingdom And Hereditary Defects I

    Scientists from the EPFL and the University of Geneva have discovered a genetic mechanism that defines the shape of our members in which, surprisingly, genes play only a secondary role. The research, published in Cell online, shows the mechanism is found in a DNA sequence that was thought...
  4. C

    Is there a book explaining chiropractic?

    I would like to find out a little more about the relationships between spine, bones, muscles and the causes and effects of different symptoms etc. I currently see a chiropractor and he helps me with a number of issues I have had in the past, but would like to understand a little better how all...
  5. P

    Heart of Darkness quotes explaining!?

    I need help explaining two quotes for the book Heart of Darkness for HW. "The horror, the horror" - yes i know these are Kurtz's last words, what do they mean? and "You will be lost, utterly lost" -Marlow says this to Kurtz at the midnight ritual, what does it mean? THANKS!
  6. M

    what is the illuminati? i heard there was a dvd out explaining the evils of hip hop?

    I heard it said that most rappers are devil worshippers and they are involved in the illuminatti including tupac, jay z, snoop, kanye, even eminem. then i heard they found the person who made the dvd dead. can u explain all this to me?
  7. D

    is there a book or video explaining all the tools in the android SDK and...

    ...eclipse with XML and java coding? i want to make an android app and i have all the tools downloaded and i even did the hello world tutorial and i did another tutorial where you make a button and every time you press it the time changes to the newest time you pressed it. i want to know a book...
  8. A

    Need help explaining my Verizon phone bill.?

    This is under my data usage on my bill and I would like to know what it is. Thanks UNL MB XPORT - V CAST
  9. H

    Why Don't I have friends?( A Rant Explaining and a Question)?

    well...i think im cool but it feels like when i talk to people, we laugh and joke, we have MANY MANY MANY things in common but then outside of school or practice...i never hang with anybody. What makes me such a loner? I do not know if i come off as this person that has it all to them..i do not...
  10. K

    Help explaining a joke?

    http://c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/84/l_0ad97625df3746dc8adc7225216faa20.jpg I don't get it. :(
  11. L

    what are 3 sentences explaining how major characters are changing in the...

    ...book alias grace? can anyone help me? also, what are 3 sentences that describe the setting? i mean like sentences from the book. I have to do this for this college class i'm taking and it's so hard!
  12. C

    A silly way of explaining seasons to children?

    There's a creative writing assiment on how to explain seasons to children. Not scientificly, the siller the better!! Just a small paragraph on why we change seasons, please post paragraphs or ideas
  13. G

    Explaining Basic Politics?

    can someone explain to me some basic politics like far right or far left or center nationalism or liberal or anything like that
  14. T

    Explaining the benefits of healthy eating to 6-11 year olds.?

    i have an assignment where i need to explain the benefits of healthy eating to 6-11 year olds. Information should include things like the healthy eating food pyramid, benefits of exercise, healthy snack suggestions and possible results of poor diet choices.
  15. K

    Would anyone mind explaining the end of "The Uninvited" for me?

    Well, me and my friend went the night it came out but we got kicked out about halfway through about right after her boyfriend comes in her window. so what happens after that? thanksssss!
  16. X

    Okay.. i need a rap for earth science...containing and somewhat explaining...

    ...these words.. Divergent Boundary...? Convergent boundary, Subduction Zone, Contiental Drift, Sea Floor Spreading., and Transform Fault Boundaryy Thanksss soo much!! -Killdelilahdead!x<3
  17. T

    Would someone mind explaining to me... (UFC 94)?

    Ok first off, that wsa an explosive fight (*****spoiler****) GSP F%^($D Up BJ penn. And i was happy about that. Q.1) Did your pick to win the fights win? If so who won? Who lost? Q.2) How the hell did karo parysian win that fight?? Sure Dong yhun kim didnt do much either, but he did better...
  18. A

    I need some help communicating and explaining things to my mother. Can anyone help?

    My mother and I have usually have a really good relationship. For the the most part, we're able to talk to each other and communicate really well. But every time I try to do my homework, my mom yells at me. I'm a procrastinator, not a really bad one, but I am known to procrastinate especially...