
  1. T

    Christians and Jeh Witnesses How does the Watch Tower encourage fantasies about the

    future? Are followers of the Watch Tower to have peace and security in the Watch Tower's illusion of the future?
  2. G

    Humongous and Deadly "Giant Pencil Launcher" Proves Grade School Fantasies Will Kill

    Humongous and Deadly "Giant Pencil Launcher" Proves Grade School Fantasies Will Kill A few weeks ago, outrageous weapon master Joerg Sprave made a small-but-wonderful pencil-launcher that looked destined to deadly-up classrooms around the world. But Joerg...
  3. T

    Do you think the T-mobile girl has interracial fantasies?

    I know she does
  4. R

    Why am I suddenly having fantasies about having sex with Jeniffer Garner?

    It started yesterday! Out of nowhere! I just suddenly thought how hot it would be to make hot, rough love to her. Then I started dreaming about it (with her as Sydney Bristow from Alias).
  5. T

    LGBT: Do you have any fantasies of the future?

    I see myself with a girl I'm married to and holding a pregnancy test.
  6. T

    LGBT: Do you have any fantasies of the future?

    I see myself with a girl I'm married to and holding a pregnancy test.
  7. T

    Do you have any fantasies of the future?

    I see myself with a girl I'm married too and holding a pregnancy test that is positive.
  8. B

    I have been having weird fantasies?

    About getting intimate with my boyfriend, why is this and is it normal? I am 15 going on 16
  9. B

    I have been having weird fantasies?

    About getting intimate with my boyfriend, why is this and is it normal? I am 15 going on 16
  10. D

    gay men and young gays do you ever have fantasies about spanking a crush or...

    ...secret crush or have already!!!? oh and by the way i have be very naughtyAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  11. B

    What is the name this song? Guy is having virtual fantasies riding a bike...

    ...with dream girl.? I saw a music video a while ago, where there was a teenage guy, using a computer and virtual headset, to imagine himself with his dream girl. The video seems quite old, but still well made for its time, 70's-80's maybe 90's. The video starts off in his bedroom. Then the...
  12. T

    Are Final Fantasies for itouch/iphone worth it?

    Although I've read several positive reviews for these games and desperately want a game to entertain me for a 10 hour long road trip, i'm worried about the storyline, because thats what i care about the most. i loved ff7 and ffx, those are my favorites :) i decided to try the older games, ds...
  13. R

    am i gay i have fantasies?

    i am 45 and seperated for the second time. often masturbate and fantasze about being with another guy, am i becoming gay? I have had an opportunity to be with a guy but backed out but still wonder what it would be like
  14. I

    would you date a guy who told you he's had homo fantasies in the past?

    I know lots of girls have had and that doesn't make any problem to their guys, so i was asking myself how a girl might think about a man who's had them too
  15. K

    Who is opening for metric in their fantasies tour?

    Who's playing ?
  16. S

    is it bad to always have fantasies about your future?

    i always day dream and start having fantasies about my future. not always in a dirty way. so don't get me wrong im very outgoing and i always meet new guys. i talk to them and soon i find myself picturing myself with them. they become part of my fantasies. in my fantasies i imagine our sex life...
  17. M

    can a guy be attracted to a girl without having sexual fantasies of her?

    say if the guy is between 18-23
  18. R

    Is there a GBA version of Final fantasies 3 and 7-13?

    I HAVE to know if there is. It is all because the GBA version is the only kind I like best over all the others!